I can find a lot of info on the kind X2 but hardly anything on the x2V2. Can anyone reliably tell me the difference between these fixtures? Or maybe even have a link to the x2v2 manual? Is there an app for spectrum control? Any info at all is much appreciated. Thanks
I have no idea on the difference between the two but someone else had asked about the control recently. I’m pretty sure they have onboard dimming knobs to control the red, blue, and white portions individually.
I have a theory on spectral tuning that could save you some money. If you don’t know exactly what you plan to do with tuning the light and what benefits it will provide, you probably don’t need it.
Appreciate that. It was me asked about the controller. And you’re right, I definitely don’t need it. I don’t need to grow at all. I don’t even use the stuff! It’s just a hobby. But I’ve got a pretty good idea what I’m gonna do with the light. Also has a separate IR/UV spectrum. Kind has a controller for the X2 but not the X2v2. I’ve received my light but am waiting until I move house next week. I’ve got two moms I re-vegged after last fall ready for cuts, just need to get settled into new place before I start a new run.