Waiting for my new jewelry loupe …since im terrible at trying to get a picture…but i thought i would ask
The blurry one has red in them
Waiting for my new jewelry loupe …since im terrible at trying to get a picture…but i thought i would ask
You need a picture of buds not of leaf. The leaf matures faster.
See if i can get a clear one
Still have some white pistil so i doub’t its ready… just got excited to see some red
Probably a few weeks left.
Two weeks
lol, classic
Get ready to hear 2 more week…lol
Is that the average? 2 weeks? i can do 2 for a total of 10 weeks. Not bad if it actually is 2 weeks! I’m sure its longer!
Probably longer for you too. Seeing a lot of fresh looking growth. Mine get real raggedy looking just before harvest. Wait til almost all the pistils have turned rusty orange/brown then check trichomes again.
That is the standard perpetual answer: “2 more weeks”. It can be 2 more weeks for a month or more.
Same answer, you are both pretty close in timing.