Accidentally broke her stem damn it my clue to leave her alone will she recover
She’ll recover if the wound is closed off in a timely manner. A little honey in the split before pulling it together can help. Electrical tape is perhaps the best tool but tie wraps will work for some things. Just be sure to remove them in a week or two because they will choke off the plant as it grows.
She got closed pretty quick due for res change tomorrow hopefully that will help or should i do it today
Nah; you’re fine. You can if you want but all is well. The plant will actually be stronger where the split happened.
That’s absolutely right. She’ll grow a knuckle there.
She will be good to go! Happened to me last grow, main stem split right down the middle while training. Might get behind a few days, but give her some water for the stress and she’ll make it.
Thank you everyone for the encouragement thought she was goin to die drinking away the mistake for now and hoping she comes thru
Its been a day or two since she split but happy to say havnt noticed any issues as of yet and she stull growibg