I was bending my branches and the main stem split! I wrapped it with duct tape and tied it with a piece of string what do I do for aftercare?
any tips will be much appreciated!!!Id recommend a cloth type medical tape to close her back up it also allows air to get to the wound to heal quicker and just leave here wrapped for a couple weeks then take off the tape and she should be good just make sure the tape is a little snug its not that bad of a split what so ever and she should bounce back no problem
I appreciate your help!The tops are drooping a bit, it was like 1/4 in or so break, I guess that’s to be expected with a little trauma like that.I’ll look for some med tape, not sure if I have any though. Should I give her some water or just wait until the normal watering time? image|375x500
Check youre medium for moisture if it feels wet still then id say no
Ok cool thank you
Yeah definitely not bad lol I’ve had whole branches snap off and hang on by fibers and just tape her up good and she heald just fine almost as if anything ever happened for how picky they seem to be they are prety hardy plants impo
LOL! I know right?! They are pretty picky when it comes to nutrients ,PH,light and airflow etc. LOL I appreciate your advice, you really eased my anxiety and worry LOL
Yeah you’re good. I’ve split the main stem down at least 2 inches. Little tape and she didn’t miss a beat.
Oh wow! I would’ve been running around in a panic if I did a break that was 2 inches LOL I guess after some time and experience you don’t get so many gray hairs for every little hiccup LOL
I was looking for some medical tape but all I have a duck tape
I used electrical tape since it has some stretch
Ohhh ok that makes sense ! I actually used some duct tape and on top of that I used a zip tie to secure it I will remove the zip tie in the near future before it digs in to the stem.And then I wrapped was equivalent to a shoelace over that. It wasn’t holding together all the way that’s why I used the zip tie
Here’s what I did. I put a zip ties loosely on the two main branches that split. I connected both zip ties with a third one in the center. I tightened the center zip tie until the split was back together then wrapped it electrical tape
That is actually a way better idea than the way I did mine LOL that will actually get the job done better!
That should git r’ done
Heck yeah I really appreciate it! Who needs Sherlock when you have Watt-Son LOL
Glad I could help . In about two weeks you’ll have a big fat knuckle there and never even know it happened.
So in about two weeks it should be good to takeoff the zip ties?