Just planted four seeds today

Did u end up getting bud ignitor

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No bud ignitor just big bud and bud candy


Day 12 of flower


From how i hear in flower for first w weeks bud ignitor then 2 weeks after that use the big bud then 2 weeks afyer that add the bud candy with the nig bud til last 2 or 3 weeks then cut the big bud and finish with bud candy. Just how ive heard it supposed gto go.

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I just followed the directions on the bottle it says give bud candy the entire flower stage but I could be wrong. The plants seem to like it tho


The full lineup schedule from the mfg. I had it blown up into a poster to hang on my wall. Hope it helps you.


Day 15 of flower. Starting to see a lot more pistils


Uuugh just pulled 4 males from my room 3 more still cant tell yet hipe no more


Damn hopefully you don’t have anymore. Did they let loose any pollen?

Nah they were just forming had 2 small balls on most of the males barely tell on 3 and the other 5 were def female. Kinda cool u can tell by just a speck when it grows yep pitch it or keep it from a pimple on the plant lol


Sorry @Grizz718 this is the thread thatvpopped up to ask the question lol. @Myfriendis410 @kaptain3d or any1 who can tell me. How can i get the support ticket saved somewhere its easy to access for when i have to leave a copy for someone. I jave so much problems finding one when i need it i wanna know how i can click the top and have it saved there somewhere along with the deficiencies page u loaded with the support ticket i finally found it now how do i save it for easy access. Thanks


Here it is :

When you get to that page, just bookmark it :wink:
Or bookmark this post! :crazy_face:

To bookmark, just click the 3 dots next to “reply” in the lower right corner. You’ll get a row of icons, just click the one that looks like a banner… NOT THE FLAG!!! the one next to it. Then you’ll be able to click on your avatar in the top right corner, click the same icon (bookmark) and you’ll get a list of your bookmarks. Just click the one you need… :nerd_face:


The Support Ticket is ‘pinned’ to the top of the ‘Latest’ category. Just under ILGM Merch. I also put one on my journal and bookmarked that entry for easy referral.


Is this s ball or a swollen calyx. @DefNSmokn @Mark0427 @Covertgrower @Hellraiser I hope not because if so then I got a herm


Kinda hard to tell a bit blurry but first pic sure looks like start of a male


Now tell me what u think?


Hmmmmm… lets wait a few more days… suspect lookin tho…

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You’ll have to wait a bit and see for this one.

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Yes still looks like possible male but 1 or 2 more days will tell for sure. I jave r male clones 2 are pink plasma one dark yoda and one dark plasma. Gonna split my tent in half again and do the pink plasmas on one side and one other on the other side which ever looks better. Collect pollen for future purposes. So far the pink plasma and dark yoda are stacked nice so hopefully ill get some good pollen from these babies.


Day 19 of flower. Got some bud action going. That scare turned out to be female. Thank god.