LOL @Mark0427 didnt even notice black panther in the cut and Batman laying low I think your girls are in good hands with that watch group !
Its prolly up in the pages but, can I ask what you have at the other end of you water ring hoses? Pump and reservoir? I use them but have a funnel attached to the end to pour the nutes in.
@Mark0427 looks really good in there. Can’t wait to see it full of buds in there. Great job
I have a pump with a hose that snugly fits inside the hoses that feed the plants believe the feed lines r half inch and the pump line is 3/8 i believe but works good enoigh for me. Here is the pump and hose setup. I set in a bucket of water or nute water plug in til it is watered to my satisfaction usually like 8 or 10 seconds the another set for same and i do it to all plants then 10 min later do it 1 more time for 5 sec each hose then good for the day usually for now.
Feed lines taped to wall til next grow then ill have set on wall on angles to where water pours out lines not stay built up. Right now i just blow the lines clear after waters
This is basically how its all set up 1 line feeds 2 plants
It was from an old post nevermind:sweat_smile:
Me too. @Grizz718 cant wait to see what the scorpion diablo brings to the room.
Very cool! Thanks for the pics and the explanation, I have almost that exact set up but for 3 plants. I have not installed it yet, was just using the funnel and blow out the lines also. I am gonna give it a try on the next grow. I just want this one done so I can set it up better next time.
Yep after this grow im gonna set the lines on the wall with pitch to the plants so it drains on its own. But for a quick fix it works well enough for me. I want a bigger space to play with im enjoying it too much. I want different phases so im always busy. I think i have like restless body syndrome
Looking great!! Glad you got some good girls to flower out this time!
Looking good. Get some 1 inch pvc pipe and 4 elbows and make a scrog u can make the holes whatever size u want then. Make it where it just fits inside the 4 corner poles and ziptie it to the 4 poles to hold it in place. Can set it up to where u can undo a screw and unwrap the scrog to get it out easy instead of cutting a bunch of smaller branches u can get the whole tree. I got 1 made for a 2x2 for my neighbor i have a planet of the grapes gonna fill the scrog with the 1 plant see what we can get with just a hlg 135rspec and a rapid led far red puck has intake and exhaust intake pulls from outside right now and exhaust into the room. So far its going well for temps and humidity
Thanks man I will get the pvc from my job and the elbows
Me too last grow was a disaster
Think im gonna flip mine today also. They shot up quick as hell. About 2 feet tall now. Some a bit taller.