Greetings all. On her 19th day. This is how she is looking. Feed her with some cultivation nation by fox farms. And it seems to have take it very well. Is starting to take off.
Is the seedling stage over for this lady ?
You’re the Proud Father of a Preteen!! She’s a beauty!!
I love how perfectly symmetrical they are at this phase-looking gorgeous!!
Yes. Thank you. Hopefully it grows up as beautiful.
Hitting the one month mark with this beauty. A bit small. But alive and ready for flowering. White pistils are emerging.
She’s starting to fill in nicely. I have some autos that jumped the gun too lol. Thank goodness I have 9 lmao.
She is eating a lot. The light is hurting me tho. I need more light. Is on the way. gets here in three days. This is my work area. Lol.
Happy and Healthy Grow Bro and doesn’t appear to be lagging behind…6th node showing and strong
Thank you my peoples. Ya have been very helpful. I’m glad things are getting better. Trying to establish a grow room that I can harvest one plant each month. The one next to that one is two weeks younger. And started another seed in another pot. I think I need a bigger tent now. Good lord.
welcome to the club and cannabis growing
It is addicting. Never enough room!!
This is how it starts lol….
And it never ends!!
Well. I been sitting here in front of this tent for the last 45 minutes just looking at them. Like if I’m in the woods. All peaceful. Is something wrong with me ? Or is common amongst us ?
This is very normal. This is known as “A passion for what you do”.
We all do it , best therapy in the world plus a rolled fatty helps
This is a requirement!!!
Ok. I found ya. I feel like I known all of you all my life. FAMILY. I found you.