Journal: My very first grow ever WW Scrog

Fox farm ocean forest. Is this a soil or nutrients ?

Them babies looking good man… just started my first grow also.ive had some seeds from a plant what had to be forced male, thought I’d give them a go… amnesia haze! Just gone into the 2nd week of veg with a 600w light.

Soil…but I’ve heard not to use nutes with it for first few weeks because there are a lot of nutes already in the soil itself. A lot of people complain about burning their plants useing the ocean forest but its mostly because they use nutes too early.

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What efforts have you made to keep your plant small ?

Update! Day 15 plants are growing well. Though in the sun today I noticed very light yellowing/light green on the leaves. I added just about 100 ppm of cal-mag with today’s watering hoping this wasn’t too much.

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Hi are you thinking of putting your seeds in those pots. It’s not re amended to use large pots for small plants. Have a read up on potting before you decide what to use, better to stat small me thinks. Happy dayz.

I started them in 5 gallon smart pots because I didn’t want to transplant. I know there are some growers on here that use the same pot start to finish. Less stressfull on the plant, not transplanting.

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What are you running there, photos or autos? Strain`?

Good luck with the grow!

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Feminized white widows.

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Feminized white widow autos or feminized white widow photo regular? :slight_smile:

Not auto…and i have no idea about the photo…new to this. I ordered from here. So its the WW fem. On this site.

this is my first grow I had to put into flower a little early I think.but let me know what yall think and if I can do anything better next grow thanks…

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here is the whole plant


I like your individual scrog net. Might use that idea. :+1:

So one of my plants its not doing as well as the other and im not sure why…the tip are burned and edges starting to yellow. I think it might be a nute burn due to the fox farms ocean forest soil. Maybe my top seedling layer wasnt as thick as the other pot and the roots reached the nutrient rich soil sooner? I added 100 ppm of cal-mag with my last water a couple days ago because i saw some yellow spotting. Again my other plant same strain and everthing is perfect. Here are pics of it.

I use Fox Farm ocean forest with about 20% perlite and I’ve started multiple seedlings and it’s never kill a single one, they thrive in it! :evergreen_tree:

I couldnt get the troubleshooting chart to upload, sorry

I have the chart…its either a burn or calcium deficiency. As far as i can tell at least. And i did add call mag the other day. Maybe i will again next watering.

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Hope this helps


There are many variables at this stage. You would not have a deficiency in nutes if both plants are the same variety. And you have fed and watered them equally. If one has done so much better at this stage. What you probably have is some root damage and I think this has slowed the growing of the one plant down, temporarily. And/or possibly the genetics in the smaller plant are not quite as vigorous. Every plant has its individual characteristics. Marijuana has been hybridized so much that out of a purchase of twenty seeds 5 will be real winners. The rest average and a few retarded. This is a very liberal ratio. And you easily can find seed banks where you might get only 25% viability.
Here is where cloning becomes invaluable and from here on out you are able to grow the five best plants again.

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Another thing to consider is that you did properly layer and your the roots will not grow any further into the medium causing it to burn. The roots instead would be spreading in the medium where the optimum balance of nutrients will be found for the plants stage of life. What I am trying to say is. If your hand gets burned you recoil. Plants cant recoil but they can stop growing the root which is getting burned. It will grow from the root again when the chemistry of the soil changes to being beneficial from non beneficial. Soil is in constant flux as nature runs its coarse.
My opinion is that its more common to burn and have deficiencies in a hydro grow, where the plants are forced to uptake nutrients as it drinks water. My suggestion is give it a couple more weeks and I think both plants will be comparable.

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