I just got my seeds a couple days ago, put one in a wet paper towel and lo and behold, little root came out! Successsssss.
I went down to the little hydroponics store got myself a bag of the ocean forest some of y’all like to use, filled up a little clay pot I had on hand. Put the little seed a half an inch down, covered it up, and watered it.
My mother also fancies herself a bit of a gardener, though she has never dealt in marijuana, but she wanted to grow one, so I gave her a seed. She chose to germinate in soil, with some soil she had.
Just some other facts while you are here. I’m in southern california, Im going to be growing outside. I am growing white widow. I am not trying to grow a crazy amount of marijuana. I plan on using the fox farm trio fertilizer down the road, whenever that is called for. Suggestions are always welcome, comments are welcome, all of y’all are welcome to stay.
Yeah, I heard about the burning issue, I will make sure not to add more for a good long while, thanks for the advice :D. Would you recommend me moving the plant outside for a couple hours everyday, it still gets pretty cold at night here.
I dunno if y’all can so it, its in the middle, it still has its seed casing on its silly little head. Should I try to remove it or leave it alone?
This is so exciting, I made something grow guys! looook! The climate has been less then ideal in southern california this week, its been rainy and cloudy, and cold, but through all the adversity my little girl has popped out. 3 days since germination.
a bit stretchy but its been cloudy in southern california, the sun has been out the last few days though, which is nice.
Just ordered my fox farm trio fertilizer, won’t be using it for another couple of weeks I bet. Don’t wanna burn my little plant.
Also, does anyone have recommendations for a ph reader, ph up and down, will I need both ph up and down. Does it even matter to keep your ph in range? Also when I start can I mix a couple gallons of nutrients in advance and ph, how long does it last? Thanks for the help
I’m a newbie but I can tell you that YES ph is one of the most important thing you can pay attention too,if it’s off don’t matter what you do not gonna work
For some visual aids, there was a topic made that will also be very helpful for you. Charts and graphs
By the way, I vote for an outdoor grow when you are able. Place them outside after last chance of frost. I just had to cover two because of an expected frost in the morning.
Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it a lot! I will buy me some ph up and down, and a reader! I have downloaded the grow bible I just need to read it more carefully haha. the visual aids link is hella cool, thanks mate. I don’t think it really every gets frosty in southern california. I bought a tiny light to help my seedlings along, they are a little stretchy, I might do an experiment some with the supplementary light, some without. Some with the smart pots some with normal pots. We’ll see.
My other seedlings were looking stretchy, so, I am going to compare sunlight, to this tiny light, eventually the seedling will outgrow this light, and I will put it outside, but, just to help it along in the seedling stage. I though it would be good.
Also eventually I wanna clone stuff so having a tiny light to shine on my humidity dome is probably a good idea. All in all excited to see how this little light turns out.
This little plant is about 14 days old, and I got my light a week ago, so its been under that light that grow light for about 16 hours a day, basically when I am awake its on.
And this is my 18 day old plant, just in the sun, I take it inside during the night, because its my baby. It also doesnt like the wind, it gets blown down pretty hard by just little bits of wind, I dunno if thats the root system, or just because its a tiny little plant.
Should I start using my fox farm nuts on these, or are they still too young for all that?
Also I got my little ph reader, the ph up and down will be arriving soon
I wouldn’t start feeding the nutrients until the cotyledons yellow and die. Those are your two rounded seed leaves at the bottom. They have everything the plant needs.
When you do start feeding, do so at 1/4 strength. Don’t forget that you want to check the pH after adding the nutes.
The wind knocking your baby around makes her stronger…
Thanks for the help man! Cotyledon, now that’s a fancy word, going to keep that one. Growing stuff is such a fun little hobby. And yes, ph after everything is added, got it!
I lifted my little plant and I saw little root sticking out, is it time to level up, and if so, should I go to 1 gallon, 2? 3?! Does it matter, does pot size have an impact on root growth, if I go from tiny pot to 5 gallon, or if I step it up.