I thought this was a good thing, especially as it’s so pretty. I was taking Photos to share here and ask why my leaves were turning white. When I looked at them I got all excited cause I thought they were like crystalizing or some shit and, well now idky I got excited and am starting to feel like a dumb fuck again. I don’t like feeling like a dumb fuck. I was texting my son to show him and make him laugh with me, but then I googled it and Google says it’s a fungus. I am halfway through Flowering and really don’t need any problems at this point. I already helped them to recover from light burn when they were but babies. Please tell me they aren’t going to be sick again at the end of their existence??? All 6 are like this, even the 2 Super Lemon Hazes that are about 2 weeks behind the others. They have been doing so well y’all. Make me feel better please. If you can’t, then please tell me how to fix it. I’ve been seriously keeping the temp right around 74 with lights on and 64 with lights out and the humidity is never less than 40 or more than 55 ever since the 4 week of Flowering/1st week after pre-flower.
Damn. I left my bowl outside on my car and it’s about to rain.
Heck, I even piped the ac into the tent because it needed to feel like harvest time to them and I otherwise couldn’t get the temp down below 90 in there and then the humidity was also super high. I’ve tried to do everything right. I can’t lose them now.
I guess what I thought it was were Trichomes, but they aren’t wet looking. At least not with the naked eye. Maybe take my loupe in there and look before it’s lights out?
Yes indeedy they are. Lol! I been studying the past hour. Capitate-Stalked Trichomes. Ooooo… I’m so super stoked! My gals may be small but they are bud heavy all over. I’d have about died if something had been wrong now. Their scents are amazing.
Wow! Those are darker green than any of mine. Why is that? I know what you mean. Even though mine are all small, they are over full of buds and I can no longer get in there to fiddle with them.
Ah yeah? There really aren’t many leaves because I didn’t know any better and have been plucking the fans off of pretty regularly. I have a Kroger bag full of dried leaves that I thought I’d try making something with, byt idk what can be made of them besides Tea to feed the plants. Any ideas on that?
I toss what i pick off before harvest. After drying plant at harvest the sugar leaves have lots of trics. Got around 8 grams off last harvest 1 week ago
I had to chuckle to myself when i read the title on the category page before i even tapped on it to open this thread, i knew it was the trichomes that you were asking about.
These are what you want to inspect when its time to harvest. They will turn milky white on the inside and some will turn amber. This is when its time to chop… i am at the same stage. I think i have about 3 days to go. By Friday i should be chopping some cannabis buds…I had questions too so don’t feel bad. This is the moment every grower waits for in anticipation. Dont harvest too early, the high wont be any good. If you harvest too late, the high will just give you the munchies and put you to sleep.
Get a trim bin on Amazon so you can collect all the trichomes that fall off when you harvest and trim the buds.