I dont know what this is ? Mold or something else?

Any idea what this is ?

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might be the start of White Powder Mildew mold


I agree with @Retiredoldguy . You could try one of these if it is WPM to help


Make sure you get your environment adjusted as far as RH and airflow in the tent as well as thinning the plants so that you minimize leaf sitting on leaf etc.
Minimize the opportunity for it to grow.
Not sure if that’s what it is we’re seeing but if so some great suggestions posted above.


Also as a precautionary measure use your jewels loop and look at the underside of the affected leaf to rule out any bugs as the culprit


No bugs i been looking for it idk if there good at hiding but my humidity pretty low if its reading rite just 1 time it got up to 65 but i have air flow coming from bottom and out the top . Damn i think i might of spread all ready . So prettt much my lil baby girl done ? And i been trimm the bad leafs off. I was thinking that too white power mold … i just wanted to get a conformation . Thanks for the input im keep yall posted and should i harevst now ? Just cause i dont want waate all this time for nothing .

Okay i think i narrow it down to how the mold started . So when i harvest her i noticed some branches where wet and other were dry .1 Cause by root rot below .2 Blocking the nutrients and water it needed . 3 Ether the the water vapor from root was going up affecting the leaf on top or 4 .it came from me making co2 with yeast and surgar .
Now im drying her and it was almost ready .