Can someone expert advice me on this?
I bought seeds from seedsman juicy zkittle auto.i come to this problem now and never had this kind of problem before.
Howdy Kaka
Looks like excess nitrogen to me.
What are you feeding now?
What is your EC ?
Since im not in in indonesia.normally i feed my plant using hydroponic fertilizer AB.this is my 3rd grow.previously never encounter this PPM is 1500 and PH is 6.5.i just add calmag yesterday because it is look like calcium deficiency. But i scare i might do mistake by adding it and need advice from an expert here.
Howdy Kaka
Your pH at 6.5 is too high for me.
I would drop it to around 6.0 to 6.1 in flower and check pH everyday.
Ok.i will lower it down today.should i add calmag?what is the best PPM for this stage?
Hi Hashton, is that comply to soil also ? or it for hydro/coco.
Howdy Kardel
How ya doin
Soil pH between 6-7 …6.5 perfect
Hashton, you mean 6 to 6.1 is for hydro?im using hydro RWC now.
Howdy Kaka
How big is your nutrient tank?
I would drop your PPM by 100 and see how it goes.
I use EC pen and it has been fairly warm here so I have dropped my EC from 2.2 to 1.5 over the past few days because I was getting nutrient burn.
I add Cal mag in hydro or Coco as required.
No for flowering in Hydro that is what I do @ 6.1 pH.
Usually in Hydro in veg at pH 5.8
You said your pH was 6.5…too high.
Beside from heats, all be good for me and girls
let you get back to the OP question here, im just curious if i’ve to drop pH when flowering. I was facing this once back to my first growth and that times i didnt check pH. so let that slide.
Thanks for answering !
Im using rwc system that have 5 tank and each tank is 5 galloon.since my problem is clearly because of the PH.i will lower my PH today and see how its goes.thank you hashton.hopefully once i reach PH 6 is gonna be okay.
Howdy Kaka
Make sure to check your pH everyday
Your ppm should never exceed 900 in DWC.
As your PPMs increase you flush and reset reservoir. How much of a ph swing are you seeing throughout the day?
May i know 900ppm is for flowering?what about PH?