I planted a living mulch to make pests go towards it. I am indoors and use the soil from the vermicompost outside so wonder if these are just predatory mites or actual spider mites.
Wondering if it could be this as well, fingers crossed
To my understanding predatory mites are going to be faster than spider mites when they move
So should I grab a couple of mites and have them race? I’ll point the spinosad to really motivate them.
love it
Figured could be a pretty lucrative side hustle, you placing bets? Dad jokes aside I ended up buying some beneficial mites from arbico organics so fingers crossed.
Just a tip for anyone who is considering purchasing beneficial bugs from them. Representative stated for me to check the bottle for live mites and record a video bottle if not seeing much movement and they will replace. She has more faith in the satchels being alive than the glass bottles.
If it looks like a mite, kill the bastage
From an image search it looks like a red velvet mite, Trombidium Fabricius. If so it’s a predator…it looks wicked
I’m betting on the red one
I have soil mites as well because I’m doing the living soil so I’m trying to be mindful before I kill everything.
Red and two spotted are the most common mites, those look pretty red to me…
Yeah I see it now I just thought needed to be eight legs.
“Release the Kraken”, give them two weeks and then Spray JDB, victory celebration and wash them down