I just noticed this today, yesterday they weren’t there. One of my two plants has what looks like seed pods popping out on it. It happened overnight. Don’t know if I should continue to let it grow or pull it and get it away from my other plant. I removed a male over a month ago and thought I had got it out in time before it could pollinate my females. Needless to say I am totally bummed. Please some advice on how I should proceed. Thanks in advance. I’ve included pictures below of my two plants it is obvious which one is in trouble and which one appears to still be okay. Processing: 1000001982.jpg…
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Thanks… Wasn’t aware
Multiple calyxes at the same node indicates a male plant rather than a hermie. You have a male. I would dispose of it.
Would it have already pollinated my female? I’ve had them side by side for the whole season. Like saying I only noticed those pods today. I’m sure they weren’t there yesterday so it happened overnight.
It’s possible if the male calyxes have opened and released pollen. It doesn’t seem like the case given the pic. Bag and get rid of the plant asap.
Spray it with water before yanking, that will sterilize the pollen if any of those pollen sacks are open (or about to). If none are opened already, your female might be safe. But like @MidwestGuy said, full on male.
Was this from feminized seed? There’s an extremely small chance that fem seed is a male. We only see a handful of these cases each year among the 100s of growers posting. You might be in the 1%.
Thank you gentlemen. Surprised I didn’t detect it when i pulled the other male over a month ago. It also popped up with pods. Surprised there was such a time discrepancy between the two. But that’s why I’m asking for help Im a novice. Have always just pulled males at first sight of pods.
Yeah thats a dude.
They still look like closed sacks to me. So probably have not pollinated anything yet.
Thanks everyone. Obviously I need to be able to sex my plants earlier. For some reason that is something I’ve always struggled with. Scared to death I will pull a female. Hopefully that guy didn’t affect my female and at least I will have one good plant to look forward to. Fresh pics of my lone survivor. Looks like flowering has just begun.
Yes. It was supposed to be a feminized seed. Leave it to me to be a 1%'er.
That’s why I send an early leaf sample to Farmer Freeman for genetic testing. You have more than $12-15 invested in nutrients not to mention a potential lost season if growing outdoors. The disappointment of discovery of a male plant at flowering is worth the genetic test in my humble opinion. I had a male from feminized seed this year so now I am testing all. Www.farmerfreeman.com
Kill it quick
To bad it a he , it was a beautiful plant, i rarely buy seeds ( im poor ) so i assume half my seeds will turn out males so i always start double the amount seeds for how many plants i like to have , that way anything over 50% is bonus
That’s a male plant those are pollen sacks not seed pods.
Yeah, I’ve been like you in the past. Just put out about double the amount I want and figure 50% will be male. I did purchase about a dozen seeds this year but same as you that’s hard on the finances. Thinking I will go back to that math and next year just to be safe. Thanks for your input.
Thank you. Was not aware of the Farmer Freeman. Well definitely put that to use next year. Appreciate you sharing the info.