Is my girls preflowering? First timer, so am new to all signs

This is my first time growing, so I am very new to all the signs. Is my plant preflowering? And if so what do I do? And what does this mean for the next stages to come?

Growing outdoors too


It’s a girl! What type of weather do you have? Are they photo or auto?


They look like they are starting to flower.

You live in New Zealand? If so you may have put them out a little early because if they are photos they will revert back to vegging as the days get longer.

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Congrats it’s a girl.


Cheers, and yes I could tell they were girls. I had one male and got rid of him before the pollen got out of control. And I’m in New Zealand and were currently in spring heading towards summer in another month or 2. Weather has been very sunny where I am and hitting outside temps of 22-27°c humidity been wavy. And I’m not sure if they’re Auto, as it’s not the easiest getting auto flowers in my country, so I believe they are photo period. But you never know :joy:

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Yes I live in New Zealand. And Imwanting them to veg a little longer so they could get a little bigger, but my girls look like they have other plans up their sleeves. I’m currently not too sure on what to do beside letting them take their natural path

They will start to reveg as your days get longer, can you bring them inside? If you try to reveg ,it will add 3-5 weeks to harvest on top of how long you plan on vegging


If they are photos, in a few weeks they will revert to veg and then veg for the next 3-4 months, then flower all over again.

I’m not sure what the downside is, I’ve never done it. Some pictures I’ve seen on this forum seem to suggest to me that you might have some ugly leaves at first (deformed) but it should get back on course,

Is there anyway you can put your plant under an outside light for a few hours a night? It might revert back right away.

Ok heres what I do in Canada. Most vegetable gardens can be planted by mid May because the risk of frost is usually gone. The problem is the dark hours are a bit too long and this can cause a vegging cannabis plant to flip to flower. To fix this, I start my plants under light at 18/6 in February, by April my plants are a couple feet tall but niw I have to match the dawn and dusk hours with my ( all on and all off grow light ) to do this, one month before I plant out, I gradually dial back my lights 15 minutes a crack until Im at 16/8 instead of 18/6. This seems to work at my latitude to meld with the hoursbof darkness here in BC so my vegging plants stay vegging. I hope this gives yall some food for thought. Just keep in mind it isnt the hours of sunlight, its the hours of complete darkness that causes the flip.
Also, you have roughly 30 minutes of dawn and 30 minutes of dusk to work with. You need approx 16 hours of dawn to dusk to be relatively safe.


Yes I could probably bring them inside :joy: I just don’t really want to skunk out my house. And I was hoping to keep them in Veg for at least 2 months. As I started off from seedlings 2 months ago. Hence the reason I want to keep them in Veg just a little longer. I don’t mind waiting an extra month to 5 weeks if I do get them to stay in Veg a little longer. As this is my first grow I’m more just getting my head around things. Let’s just say summers around the corner and it does push my girls back into veg, can this affect my plants in any way?

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It won’t hurt them, but they will stop stretching( which starts within a week usually of light reduction). When they start revegging they will grow some funky looking leaves and single leaf shoots and will probably get “bushy”. The time it takes from when they stop flower production until you see normal new growth is the time added, so since they are photoperiod and this is the start of summer you should have some really nice NUGS come fall :grin: :sunglasses:

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Cheers thanks for the advice! I’m just going to ride it out and see how it all goes, I’m sure it’ll all go well enough. Everything is a learning experience :joy: it would’ve scared me if everything went perfect straight off the bat lol. Planted 2 new girls a month ago, so these girls should definitely go well according to my countries seasons

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