Is my Feminized Autoflower a herm already?

hello, i’m currently doing my first soil grow after my last DWC batch.

minus some hiccups with a couple seeds not germinating/dying and one being severely stunted a couple weeks by not being able to shed it’s seed helmet and me being unable to safely get it off him. things were finally looking good!
until last night I noticed the healthiest of the 4 plants appears to be growing some nanners along side of it’s pistils.

am I correct in assuming this poor girl herm’d?

I cannot decide if I should just kill the plant, cut the nanners, or throw it outside and see if I might be able to collect some pollen to localize pollinating a couple buds on the other plants to see if I might be able to get some future seeds.

Are those stipules or pistils in the last pic?

The calyxes at the nodes look male, as they are protruding and offset from the node, though one of them appears to have pistils. Females calyxes grow in flush with the node. I would get rid of the plant so that the sacs don’t open and pollinate your other plants.

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I was thinking they were pistils since they are much whiter and fuzzier than the other stipules on the plant. but when I was inspecting it last night is when I noticed the nanner sack looking bits popping out.
I assume it is probably my fault, the plant was growing at a much faster rate than the other plants, so I decided to pinch and roll top it to bush it out.
maybe that stressed it too much causing it to herm? as I never noticed those sacks until I topped it about 4 or 5 days ago.

would there be any benefit to putting the plant outside isolated from my indoor grow tent and letting it go? or is there still too much risk of the pollen making it into my house when the fans are on and pollinating my grow tent?

I read that if an autoflower herms you can use it’s pollen to pollinate other plants and get more feminized autoflower seeds, is there any truth to that?

You will get regular seeds if you just use the pollen as it is. Creating fem seed is more complicated and requires the use of silver thiosulfate or colloidal silver and 2 fem plants, one of which should be disposed of after collecting the pollen needed.

Photo plants tolerate stress better than autos.

There is virtually no use for a male other than intentional pollination to generate regular seeds. Hermies can be smoked, but you will have seeded, less potent weed. I would get rid of the plant.

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First pics are male flowers

hmm… so it has to be herm’d using the collodial to make fem seeds? it isn’t the same kind of pollen if the plant herm’d on it’s own like this own?

all the pics are of the same tall plant. showing both female and male parts from feminized autoflower seeds. which is why I was thinking about keeping it outside and collecting some pollen from it.

damn, that was my concern. the only female I ever ran into herming was over 10 years ago and it did it through the buds during flower. never seen one do it so small in veg after showing pistils.

It isn’t the same. You will have to use colloidal silver or silver thiosulfate if you want fem seed. It is the same process by which seedless grapes or watermelons are produced.

If you collect pollen from a hermie, then you will have regular seed and not feminized seed. Additionally - hermie produced seed carries the risk of producing seeds that may be more prone to hermie.

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good to know.
I’m glad I decided to ask before just attempting it and ruining my other plants.
thank you!

I’ve had a couple autos that, when flower started, threw out a couple of male flowers. I plucked them and they both ended up finishing female. One was a white widow that was strong as pharmaceuticals


oh really? so I could potentially just keep neutering it and see if it will continue female? if that’s what you mean anyway.

My opinion:

You will have to keep up with male sacs or you will put your other plants at risk if you happen to miss one. Pollen only distributes several yards indoors with little wind, but if an outdoor plant, pollen can travel hundreds of yards. If you want to flower the plant, then my advice is to move it outdoors, but only if no other plants are around.


kewl. I’m interested in moving it out to my sunporch and trying that, but i’m afraid if I miss one, it being only 20 feet and a window away to my grow tent is too much of a risk.
my friend has been wanting to get into growing. I’ll see if he wants to just throw it on his balcony and give it a go.
Though he’s probably going to piss off everyone else in his apartment complex who grows. lol

Sounds like you are thinking about the right things.

Seed storage is good, but better genetics rules.
Grow Time is precious. Determine your goal and needs.
My ILGM seed plants do grow bigger than my bag seed plants.
And I like to clone.
How many nanners did you count? pull? or pitch the plant?

I think i just got lucky. I wouldn’t really chance it anymore

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I have had that on photoperiod. I just pick them off and keep an eye out for others. They stop coming after that. Most ever got was about a dozen then no more appeared for the rest of the grow. I think you will be fine just picking off.

how old are your plants? Just want an idea of where my autos should be, new grower here

I have to agree with @MidwestGuy
I would get rid of the suspect plant so it doesnt effect your others

they broke soil on the 8th. so they are currently at 24 days.