Is it possible to clone an autoflower?

So I’m giving it a shot. What can it hurt besides my pride a little. Haha. The purple kush auto i FIMed six days ago turned out great. Showing lots of growth so today i tied her down and cut the two bottom branches off and thought why not try and clone em. They seemed long enough so i gave em a dip in the cloning gel and dusted em with a little great white powder and put em in the coco pellets. I just took these pictures and they’ve been in there for about 3 hours going on. I’ve heard you couldn’t do it. That there’s not enough time. But Google says it’s not impossible so i said challenge accepted. Gotta try it at least once right? Has anyone cloned an auto with success?


Check out bill ward on youtube. He has some cloned autos going right now. They are doing quite well


You can clone if you starting learning
I do autos and i don’t clone just cuz I’m rookie but i trade my autos like photos just they had short time to recovery but def. you can clone autos

Happy growing :green_heart::metal:

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I looked him up and just watched his video he posted like 4 days ago. Gives me hope for my clones. Fingers crossed. I just hope it doesn’t take a month. Kinda cool to see the clone next to the mother plant though. Thanks again.


@pacothetaco has an autoflower clone going right now. She’s small but mighty.


Many will clone the top if removed from the plant, and they usually do pretty well.
Its kind of unpredictable as to results as the flowering schedule is hardwired into the DNA.
But no reason not to try. Whether or not you will increase yield is debatable. Autos just do what they want for the most part. Best yields come from not stressing the plant and giving them the best growing environment right from the start. I don’t even transplant, just plant the seedling in its final home and stand back.


Yea,after seeing him do it. Kinda got me wanting to give it a go,lol
Hope it turns out well for ya😎

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I am definitely not an expert in any way in any field about any topic but… my autos, not the mini forest(clones) but the mothers, all the same “strain” all conditions as equal as possible and I abuse them to the max, some of them are doing unbelievably well and some I considered pulling because they were not looking good. I have everyone looking good/decent and have pulled two of my first 3, I had 4 but @Graysin made me kill one of them, I think to prove I was serious about this life! Don’t have final weights but I am very happy and can’t wait for the cure. Will post some pics a bit later. I am planning on having at least one unmolested auto on my next auto grow. Happy growing everyone!


My understanding is it can be done but the clone is the exact same age as the mother so it’ll start flowering at roughly the same time she will. You won’t have time for a whole lot of training or anything, unless it’s a slow auto, but you might be better off just going for 1 big cola anyway. That would probably give you the best chance at getting any kind of actual yield.
And I’d do it straight in the Solo cup or a 1g bag at most. The quicker you can establish a good root mass the better.

Good luck!!


Here is a picture of coco shark


Coco Shark, doo doo doo :notes::leaves:


Looking good so far.?


10 days and i got roots popping out of these clones.


However i should add that they are also showing signs of flowering. Next time I think I’ll top or fim the mother sooner and try to get the lower branches when it’s first in veg vs end of veg.

1 day later and i think they’re ready for soil. What do you guys think? The roots are healthy.


While you can certainly clone an auto, it will be on the same flower cycle as the donor plant.


Yeah i noticed they’re keeping up with the mother. I was kinda hoping they wouldn’t. Oh well. Now to find out how much they can produce.

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I got em going next to their mother.
I don’t know if this was a good idea or not but i have this subcool soili did with FFHF that the mother is mixed with. I did the same technique and layered it with these clones. I have an air pump with a stone taped to the bottom. With a ½in perlite. Then ⅓ subcool mix. I took a ½tbsp of fish bone meal and then another ⅓ layer of regular ffhf and gave that all a mix. Then i filled the rest with regular ffhf. I add the fish bone meal to slowly add phosphorus down there. Since the clones are starting to flower. I’ll probably give it a tea in a few weeks if it don’t burn. Crossing my fingers

I just realized i never mentioned about the 3rd clone in the pictures i posted before. I accidently cut a branch off when i was trimming so i cloned it. Its 4 days behind the 2 originals. But I’m going to set her up the same way if she roots.


No reason to think it wouldn’t work, but as many have said, it’s original auto clock is still ticking to the rhythm of its Momma….and if you’re doing this indoors, how much resources (electric, heat/AC, nutrients, etc) are you going to burn to get this small of a yield?

Regardless, it’s still cool as hell!!
Happy growing, bro!


Even tho you can doesn’t mean you should … if your goal is for small plants that are flower the minute the roots take … idk it’s just my opinion …