Is 600w led too much for 2.5x3 grow tent (auto flower)

Hey everyone!
I’ve been using CFL’s with minimal harvest as expected.
I wanted to know if you guys thought this would be a good purchase.
I have one blue mystic seedling and one Northern lights seedling both auto flower, both in 2.5 x 3 gorilla tent.
Will this be enough or possibly too much for that size area?


Not a all @Jpositive I’m growing in a 3’ x 3’ gorilla tent with a Platinum p450 which is equal to a 600 watt MH/HPS . watt’s = weight . Though use your CFL’s on seedlings.:cactus:


@Jpositive You should be fine just watch how close you get leds lights they can still burn your plants from light intensity not heat
If your leaves start to taco :taco: back your light off your to close leaves should be flat @Tee3737 is right light = weight
I run 2) 300 watt leds and 2 ) 400 watt cob style led lights in my 6x4 tent
Hope this helps and happy growing


Thank you both! Making purchase now!
I’m actually buying a second tent and I’m going to try an experiment:
1 tent using the Mars 600 LED full spectrum on 1 Blue Mystic auto flower in fox farm ocean forest soil.
1 tent using cfl 6400 (veg), 2700 (flower) on 1 Northern Lights auto flower in fox farm ocean forest soil.
Excited to see the outcome. Maybe I should do a grow journal…


I would definitely start a journal for your test
And tag me if you do I’d like to follow it
I use only led light start to finish right now with no problems yet I just entered 3rd week of 12-12
But I will be building a veg box so I can get a rotating harvest going so I’d be interested in seeing what does better :+1::grin:


Aim for 25 - 50 “true” watts per sq foot. 25 is bare minimal, 50 is much better. You’re at about 37 watts per sq. foot. That’s what I have and my plants are growing pretty bushy.


Hey i have a similar led light off ViparSpectra 600Watt and can highly recommend! Less electricity wasted and easy to handle!greetings