What is the best type of humidifier to work in conjunction with the inkbird. The humidifier that is hooked up to inkbird doesn’t seem to start back up again. I always find it off. Im trying to figure out if it must be a specific type of humidifier in order to work well together. I have no problem with the ac version controlling temps. My ac kicks on when its triggered. @Graysin @The_Chef or anyone that is available please advise. Thanks in advance!!
I have a honeywell and Aircare. They work so far
I don’t use one with my humidifier, sorry I can’t help at all
I use the # AquaOasis™ Cool Mist Humidifier {2.2L Water Tank} Quiet Ultrasonic Humidifiers for Bedroom & Large room - Adjustable -360° Rotation Nozzle, Auto-Shut Off, Humidifiers for Babies Nursery & Whole House
It works good with that controller (i have both and it works great.)
Any humidifier with a physical on/off swich will work. Far as a digital one I have no idea.
Which inkbird are you using?
I use an Inkbird controller for my mushroom grows and it works great.
I’ve always used Honeywell humidifiers. Which one you get will depend on how much space you need to humidify. I use an Aircare humidifier for larger spaces.
The “best type” is an evaporative wicking humidifier versus an ultrasonic. Ultrasonic humidifiers aerosolize the minerals in your water (unless you are using distilled or RO water) and you get a white mineral residue all over your grow space.
The issue i’m having: its not allowing the inkbird to communicate well with the humidifier. Its not a badic on and off humidifier. Its wi fi capable and has numerous settings. Its a good humidifier. Its not turning back on when the inkbird tells it to.
Ihc 200 however i recently found out they have it wi fi capable so im returning them today both the temperature inkbird and the inkbird humidity controller and ordering the ones that have wi fi.