Infusers which one?

Ok guys, im in the market for an Infuser. Ive been eyeballing the LEVO and the Altafuse. I want as simple as possible. Any other manufacturers out there? Smell is a concern as i would using this in the main house. Pros and or cons on the one you have ? Thanks a bunch!


@John7 I think has a LEVO.


Following along! I like my Ecru but always like to product compare and learn with people who have others.


I have an Infusium 420, but thinking about getting the Levo as it decarbs and has a filter system on it, puts out clean oil. The infusium does smell a bit while running, and it’s pretty loud when the mixer comes on, which is every minute or so.


I love my Levo it does a awesome job. I make butter occasionally. The odor isn’t very strong in mine and haven’t noticed any noise that made me think it was loud. Nice little appliance to have. Works very well. Haven’t made gummies yet. Good luck with your choice


I use a levo 2. New models are said to be much improved. Also bigger one better I think. I always run out of room. Only smell ever is if decarbing with it. Super simple.


Ended up going with the LEVO II. Got all the goodies with it too. Couldnt pass up 25% off… Merry Xmas to me!


I believe that you will enjoy your gummy making infuser, Have the same set up as what you ordered, The extra power pod will enable you to infuse more product each time you use this unit, Sometimes I double infuse the product to get that extra potency, happy infusing :bat: :crazy_face:


Go with the Leevo 2 Brother, I’ve had mine for about 3 years and decarb and infuse with the touch of a button. I would recommend an extra pod for increasing the THC. I can cram a 1/4 zip in the pod I have and infuse 8 ounces at a time. Edit: I just saw that you pulled the trigger…nice choice :love_you_gesture:


Thats what i was looking for. Keeping it simple stupid. Ive made edibles in the past but felt like i messed up during the decarbing process. This way i can just push a button and sit back and not worry. I can take the flower i dont like the taste of and just infuse it and use it for other things. I really want to make tinctures and infuse for muscle rubs. Getting to the point to where i need a excavator just to get outta bed in the mornings. :joy::joy::joy:


:laughing::laughing::laughing: that was me this morning. You’ll love the simplicity of the Leevo Brother. I infuse coconut, veg or butter. The prettiest golden color you’ll ever see. It won’t be long before you’re making canna caps as well :love_you_gesture:



I was gifted a bunch of cannacaps from a grow bro and thats what got me thinking on the Levo. Just broke the news to the wife of my splurging and she was about excited as i was :rofl::rofl: she said you can make anything ya want now lol… she understands the importance of this and my outlook on natural remedies for whatever ails us.


Good to have that support Brother. I too prefer the natural meds for healing. Game on for ya now my friend. My oldest son and wife don’t smoke but make dinner, salad dressings etc… with the oils I make them and have get together dinners with friends and all of them love it :love_you_gesture:


I just purchased the ecru as well.

The only thing I’m confused about is filtering it, the leevo has a built in filter, what kind of filter do you use for the ecru?


I just use cheese cloth and strain it through into the jars. I’ll press down on the bud as draining to get a good squeeze and then squeeze the cheesecloth when drained.


Thanks. I ordered some.

How much bud/oil do you use in yours? I know it varies, but to give me a general idea. Personally I want to start out on the weak side.

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Honestly, I don’t really measure. I just kind of put trim and some airy lower bud in there, let it decarb and just pour oil in and run it for 4 hours or so. For weaker I would probably go less plant material and more oil for shorter time. My preference is make it, try it, and adjust after the final product for what does it for me. Usually involves a couple what just happened moments lol.

Haha yeah, I’ve had tons of those moments myself and would like to avoid if possible.

I also picked up a Tcheck to hopefully be able to make some form of consistency around it.

I have 1.15 oz of cured flower to try out with it. 7oz that has only been curing 2 weeks. 2 solid pulls from a POTV LOBO gets me there, I have a low tolerance. One time I ate a brownie without having a clue, I was in the clouds all day and woke up thinking I was poisoned. Haha.


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I have the Tcheck. Good stuff

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Been there many times! Weirdest sleep I ever got :rofl:

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