ILGM Maui. Harvest

Took 6 months I am hoping it was worth it… the hardest part was the 14 hours it took me to wet trim all the buds.
785g of flower after trim, 450g of very icy sugar leaves for some butter.
What’s the fastest way for me to test the potency?
The next couple months of curing after it’s dried is going to be torture.
Put the last pic of the tent before I took out the scissors, and the trim bin after everything was all trimmed up. I am very happy I bought that trim bin. The amount of pollen or whatever you call it in the tray was amazing. Would have all been lost without it.


Very nice buddy


whens the party lol??? im a newb so i dont know the best way to quick dry a sample but what i do is hang a nug from where my dehumidifier blows out air, check it often though


Awesome harvest!! I know I a missing a lot by not having a trim bin. Have a great day :blush::v:


Sweet… What’s your drying method/time? No doubt, Slow° and low-f is the big payoff

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Nice … …

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I have changed my drying and curing routine to dry trimming. Wet trimming, unless you use a bowl trimmer, is a total PIA.
I leave the bud on the stem and as large a branch as I can effectively manage

I remove the fan leaves. Some small fan leaves at the base of the bud is OK and I keep the sugar leaves on the bud. Something like this one

This time I hung them in the tent to dry. I often will hang them in cardboard boxes to dry.

After 5 - 7 days, I break the stems down, knock off the dried leaves and load the stems into totes.

The totes give me a couple more days. I helps even out the moisture distribution from the stem and inner bud to the entire bud.

When at curing rH, I knock the sugar leaves off with a Cannabrush or cut them off.

These are ready to go into Grove bags

Weigh the buds and into Grove bags

Nice looking Maui. A trim bin is well worth the $$. I was amazed with the amount of kief that goes through the screen and into the tray. I collect it in jars to roll into hash.


That was very helpful, thank you!


I rigged up this contraption lol. My furnace room stays right around 70° and 50%RH
Have a small fan to circulate the air. Hoping they will be good in about a week.
I got 32oz amber mason jars with mini hygrometers and Boveda 62% terpene packs for curing.


Nice, I am definitely trying your method next grow. I did a pretty thorough job trimming but it was only fun for a few hours…

I tried wet trimming the first few harvests. It was manageable because cutting and trimming was spread out over a week or more waiting for plants to mature. This last plant was very productive. Trimming, weighting and bagging it up took around 4 hours. I didn’t think that was too bad for over 20 ounces.

I have some Maui seeds and am anxious to grow it.

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Nice… I’ve done 70f +50%, and it landing right at 4 days outside crisp…then Grove bags to sweat outward one night, and back out for a couple hours 70f 50%… Total magic

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Oh that’s just beautiful :heart_eyes: congrats :beers:

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