ILGM Durban Poison (Day 48 Flower) How much longer?

There’s a good amount of foxtailing because I’m maxed out on light height, but how much more does this have to go based on appearance? Going to harvest a bud for checking under the microscope at the end of week 7.


Id cut your lights down just a bit. Do you have trichome pics? Still looks like a few weeks to me


I second @ChittyChittyBangin… Quite a bit of white hairs left. Need tricome pic.


Like the others have said :point_up::point_up::point_up:


Durban Poison is landrace Sativa from South Africa. Landrace sativas have adapted to the environment and weather near the equator, and as a result generally have a longer flowering time. They never developed the incentive to flower quickly since they rarely have a winter to contend with, so flowering times of 10-12+ weeks is not uncommon for sativas and sativa hybrids.

Indicas on the other hand generally grow in areas that do get a winter frost, and therefore have adapted to flower quickly in order to make seeds before the freeze (8-10 weeks is common).

I think conservatively you have at least 3 weeks to go before trichomes are ready. 7 weeks is blistering fast, even for an indica. It’s tempting to pull them early but the high can be much more intense with even an extra week of ripening and light ambering.


@kropotsmokin heres 2 of my durbans in week 6


Thanks y’all. Really appreciate everyone’s input.

Looking nice! I may have over-vegged my tent just a tiny bit. lol


I live in Durban, but do you think I can find an original local Durban Poison seed ? No lol. Most seeds available here are imported and the ones that claim to be local, well I’m not so sure… From what I remember as a teenager the buds were a light bright green and had a super powerful scent and a high that would keep us busy for hours and laughing like lunatics lol.


I have a squat little girl( honestly since I’ve switched to my medic grow smart 8 everything has been a little squat lol) that’s at 8 weeks of flowering now. I’m giving her another week before chop. I’d say looking at your pics you’ve got another 3 weeks. Trichomes will tell you when.