I wont be buying seeds here any longer


I’ve bought seeds from ILGM only once and it was a pretty good experience, though some do experience shipping delays. This is the case with most all seed banks.





I get seeds faster from order over seas. Less than 8 days I’ll have seeds. Order from from ILGM and it takes over 2 weeks.

Attitude messed up with missing seeds. I never paid attention at first then one order I was short 3 seeds that I paid for and not one of the promotion free seeds.

They wanted a picture so I took it and sent it to the CS Rep that wrote me. I was just expecting 3 seeds but no, they sent 8. I never worry about Germ rate with over 1000 seeds. Maybe closer to 1500.

And you can have my share of sweet tea as its just outright nasty. Now I will get like a few oz of sweet tea topped off with unsweet tea. I add a little sugar and this mixture rate works for me. But straight sweet tea…:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


@Gardner no f bombs, and I would refer you to community guidelines with that tone. It’s unacceptable here. I won’t remind you again to keep it friendly.


Already ordered twice from ILGM and had no issue with delivery 1 week from West coast to east coast. Every seed from them I planted straight to soil and they all germinated.


Hey all! Just wanted to say that I have bought all my beans from Amsterdam for a few years now and a couple weeks delivery is pretty normal. However, I found a vendor right here in the states and unbelievably my orders are here in 1-3 days! Also, the genetics are supreme! As far as germination, I always use r/r and have had phenomenal success. The only one that never made it was due to me accidentally drowning it. Good luck!!

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What is r/r?

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That’s 100% subjective. And yes the posts are since gone. But it’s how many of us learned our ways to the IG. Lead by a current moderator. Not saying any names. But even if it’s free. It’s still advertising… technically.

But. Your statement is 100% false. Current moderators in fact have.
My homie growing his selection right now. Found here… via ig

I know. I’m an overly retentive a$$. Technically correct is the only kind of correct…


Here we go again. Lol.


Name one. And saying “Hey! I’m on IG, hit me up” is not the same as selling their personal seed line on ILGM or giving out personal information.

Making a blanket accusatory statement without backing it up is kinda cowardly IMO. I also see this is your first post on this thread and of course it had to be one stirring the pot.

Are you going to be confrontational towards me again?! 'Cause I can do confrontational.

@dbrn32 @Covertgrower @PurpNGold74 @MattyBear @AfgVet @BobbyDigital


… I’m not trying to do anything. But saying. “my name is the the same on ig and I’ll send you my personal strains” is 100% advertising… explain how it isnt? It’s the very definition of networking. Which is under advertising for business…

I have nothing to lose here… I just can’t tolerate ignorance. Now I am being offensive. Because you where … you can pretend all day there was no pretense to the “find me on ig” all day… but we both know it’s bull. Neither of us where born yesterday

Except it wasn’t “find me on ig” it was “find me on ig and I’ll send you them” let’s be correct.

This is becoming abysmal
My mental is just now getting back. I gotta stop. I was happy today for the first time in months…

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The only time I’ve interacted with you has been a negative experience.

As far as I can see; no violation of forum policy occurred. YOU could say: “Hey! Hit me up on IG” without violating forum policy. If you choose to sell (or give, which I believe was the intent) it’s not being done here.


Fine. Except sick selections was 100% advertised by name. To get free seeds. It’s not worth my time to go back and find it. But it was 100% said. Find me on ig and I’ll send you some… Names dropped. Not by my fault. Way beyond your so called “hit me up” it was 100% denoted. Find him. Get seeds.

So… (ノ`⌒´)ノ┫:・┻┻

Sad your own mods won’t even fess up.

It’s not fair to judge others for what your team does.

And yes our interactions have seemed negative. Because you want :poop: flagged… right? You want things pointed out, right? I’m not pointing out positives. That would be as ignorant as this conversation.

Edit. This is the first time I’ve actually cared what the retort will be. Since I would love to read your explanation… @Myfriendis410

And @MidwestGuy ive had two others… I have them on the daily with my business partners and customers. It’s a tough world out here for those who keep it moving. If we don’t have disagreements. We will never progress. We would just be stuck doing the same old crap forever. A utopian society is an ideal created by the government to make you feel good and subservient. Like it could actually happen…

@Anishnabee Just checking up. Have you contacted CS yet? I know it may take a couple of days but curious. :+1:

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What’s up man. I don’t mind a ordering out of country. Attitude Seed Bank has been a go to of mine for years. Your seeds actually come in the original breeders packs unlike Seed Surpreme. The seed cellar is one of the best out there and it’s located in the US. They have seeds from breeders like In House Genetics to Mephisto and a couple other Top 10 breeders. If you order on a monday you’ll have your pack Wednesday or Thursday and I think they’re located in Michigan. When I order from Europe my pack takes a month or longer to get here simply because customs holds up the process but I get em every time. ILGM is good but expensive and I like a variety of genetics from other breeders.

This is simple. You are wrong, because he hasn’t been a moderator here in quite some time. So, no current moderator is doing this or has done this. You’re welcome!


Sorry buddy. Rapid rooters. I just pop 'em in there and push down a little with a pen cap and keep moist. So easy even I can do it!!


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:yup…and I live right down here in the nest if sugar sponges…I can’t drink it either!

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…sorry. I was not aware. Not sure how I would be though… thanks… my bad. I suppose I have to admit I was wrong here. Sorry @Myfriendis410 … but it was done.

Edit again. What is quite some time? For me that means year+… I hate jargon…