I was away for two days and came back to droopy leaves. One of the pictures is Jan 16 the other Jan 21. The later pic has droopy leaves, I’m not too worried about the yellow leaves because the are they first and oldest. I water them every other day with that, as pictured, very dilute miracle grow (1/8 tsp per gallon).
Peat pots should be against the law. Especially those little seed starting ones. I hope you’re not planning on planting that whole pot, and hoping the roots get through. And agree you need to use something like ffhf soil.
Just my opinion.
Miracle grow is not the best soil to be growing in. I say this because it has months of nutrients in it. There are some people that pull it off though. Maybe they just get lucky.
My suggestion is to take out of that soil shake off as much dirt as you can. Then repot is something [as @Storm said] more cannabis friendly. Fox farms or promix bx or hp. If you use fox farms fill a 3 gallon or bigger pot dig a hole in the middle set root ball in the hole holding it up off bottom and fill hole in around roots with seed starting soil. That should protect the baby roots from nute shock. Then use just plain water PHed to 6.8 no nutes to water with. After about 5 to 6 weeks start giving cannabis friendly nutrients.
If doing promix forget all the above. Plant directly in the promix and water not to much. Maybe a pint dumped in a circle around the plant staying the distance of a solo cup away from the stem. Plain water for 7 to 10 days then start giving low doses of cannabis friendly nutrients.
Hope this helps.
I have to say I am guilty of trying to grow in MG my first time. I had all kinds of issues with those first plants. They were bag seeds and I had no clue of what I was doing. And my lights were laughable (now) I can only say the Great people on ILGM has taught me a lot and I am so glad I found this sight.
Every other day, feeding with mg,is too much. Should be more like once every one to two weeks. But it does need to be diluted from full dose to like quarter teaspoon to half teaspoon. Most people are going to tell you that mg is no good, because it’s too much. But it can be diluted down and still work fine. Might take some trial and error though. The mg dirt actually works best if you put in a container, outside, and wait the 3 or 6 month period that it feeds. Then use it. Straight out the bag gonna throw things off, because of too much nitrogen. Some plants are fine, just with what’s in the potting soil.