I think they are baaaaacckk

I had spider mites last indoor grow from outdoor plant contam. I controlled it all grow, never eradicating completely. Lost a lot of leaves but bud still was really nice. Now…i might already have the answer…
.but just to put it out there…

I cloned the mom right before flower last grow. I didnt notice the mites damage til mid flower…now these clones were cut and put in a different area, after i had brought them in while finished vegging and flowered mom.

They are about 2.5 weeks in flower now, the clones, and i srarted seeing white dots, like congrete dust, just like before, and the slightest rolling on tiny leaves. Ive been defoling those (probably spreading mites when i take the leaves, right…lol). Today i noticed the little browinsh clustering of eggs. I know that there must be more, but its not put of control yet. Or is it?

The issue is that i cleansed and bleached and vaxumed my whole grow area before adding these plants. The specs were not there all of veg. Only started in flower. And i know this bc i had a bit excess nitrogen going in for a minute and they got darker green. )Plus the strain has dark leaves) Anyway, i inspect my plants. Nice leaves are kinda my thing, i know whats going on…i just dont have the definitive answer. If they show up in flower, and say it was bc mom was already infested at roots, maybe? Or its not mites and ots a root pest? I cleaned well. I did not iise the same pots and i tolied in there. I have plants to flower and i dont want to contaminate them. Help

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They’re not back they were never gone. You need to get rid of all the plants related too or that came in contact with the infestation, then sterilize the grow space if you want to be sure the infestation is over.


They’re impossible to stop. Good luck.


Gotta get rid if all plants plant matter and the soil/grow medium unless hydro and then do a deep clean of his grow area plus get rid of any house plants as they’ve likely spread to those too people alway forget about the house plants you basically have to starve them out of your house personally I would follow those steps then wait two month before starting new plants that what i did when i had a thrip infestation


I just went through this. All your soil that youve used for that grow plus any fabric pots ect need to be thrown out. I threw out anything and everything that could be infested then went back in my rooms with 91% isopropyl alcohol, loaded it into a sprayer and saturated every nook and cranny with alcohol. Allowed it to air out a day and then started over.


You can also use DE and apply top coat to soil. Clean your grow space and use neem oil to spray on plants.

Bonide Captain Jack’s Neem Oil, 32 oz Ready-to-Use Spray, Multi-Purpose Fungicide, Insecticide and Miticide for Organic Gardening

I also have a bug zapper in my tent to entice them at night.


Fear that this is good advice
I will have to purge more of my plants.
Aphid infestation and war in my grow causing me major upset.

Mine just arrived, USB and rechargable.


Ugh. Well i dont want to toss my grow…ill finish it off and toss the pots and all after. I do believe that the plant i cloned from is to blame. Why they are surfacing now, mid flower, is beyond my knowledge but it does appear to be controllable. I take any leaves i see the sapped spots on or curling and so far they are still thriving. I have another plant in there rhat i am not letting contact and she doesnt appear to be infected. I guess ill hold off on adding more plants and keep growing them out. I cleaned everything really well w alcohol and a bleach spray and the lysol bforr i added the plants. I didnt re use pots or drip pans or soil but i did have clones whose moms had them. Thanks for the input. I guess ill just see how it goes! Heres a pic of a bad leaf, the ones i pluck look like this first pic or less. The other pics are the plants, the canopy and bud sets are perfect

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You don’t have to ditch the grow you can finish it out just don’t clone any of the plants and toss everything after the grow is done the fabric pots can be kept but you’ll need to steralize them


I would look into using Growers Ally Crop Defender 3. I’ve been using Growers Ally products on all my grows. Amazing product and customer service. I spray weekly as a preventive with about 10ML/gallon. In your case, they recommend 40ML/gallon and spray every 3-4 days if I remember correctly. Spray with lights off and fans for atleast 2-3 hours or right before your lights turn off for the day/night. Can be used all the way to harvest and won’t affect anything. Depending on how bad your case is, might need to do a bud wash.



Before it gets too much farther along grab a bottle of physan 20 it’s supposed to be bad ass stuff and kill all. It the plant. One treatment on a stem if a plant that had stem rot and it stopped the bad spot and let it heal up nice just one treatment lol I’ve yet to of had. Ugs to worry about this but I’ve heard great stuff on how it works. If u r not in yet ha e u tried coco. I’ve yet to have seen a bug in my room since going coco route. Hard to over water easy to fix any kind of deficiency ect. When u clean the room if not painted walls or strait wood trim I would say get the 91% alcohol and use that strait make sure to spray every crack crease ect. The alcohol will dry everything living up so it does. U wanna make sure to wipe lights and all if it has a fan make sure to take apart and wipe and blow out the motor area and all as the bugs will find a warm spot and hide out to stay safe. Good luck mites r a pain to rid of as I’ve seen a few have them and fight the whole way thru

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I am still growing them out…i pull the sap sucked speckled leaves off daily. I have other plants in there and its not spreading…so, theres that. At least i cant clone any longer. The pests will die with the experiment.