I think the 2nd pic is a pistol starting
Those are pistols but this is just her hitting maturity and not going into flower.
Is this an autoflower or a photo period?
I agree she’s just maturing
Shes a photo im pretty sure honestly this was one seed that i just lucky on that winded uo being a female ita my first grow
It came out of a seed from some weed i had i got lucky shes is female like really lucky
Curious, what was the staring, and was it good?
The strain is hurricane and it was very good its was 32 percent thc
If it is dispensary weed, chances are it had a nanner and made a few seeds. It will very likely be a near clone of the parent plant.
I am growing and smoking some just like that. We are even thinking it may be a little better than the original !
Hell yea thats good news then lol thanks growmie
I just started my first grow a couple months ago from bag seeds. I have 6 plants and so far they are looking all female but theres always the chance of it being a hermorphodite and producing seeds and buds. Seeds in the buds. Forget that …lol…
Check out my post i started here back in May. Its very similar to what your experience is.
Its callied, “New to growing cannabis and soil is not in optimal range…” punch it in the search bar.
Cool ill take a look