Looks female to me what you guys think

I wish the camera on my phone was better but she looks female to me! Starting to get a very sweet smell and she is growing super fast all of a sudden


Yep it’s a lady, congrats!


Ha yes i had a feeling since i started it for some reason that it was female woohoo positivity goes a long way! This is my only plant so i hope she stretches good and i get some nice buds for the winter shes at 23 inches tall now but very bushy tons of bud sites im thinking of trimming some lower stuff soon maybe this weekend.

You can take them at dark you be able to see much better than when suns out @Superkurt420 happy growing my friend


Definitely a lady

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Cool thanks ill try that tonight happy growing!

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Loooking good! Shes grown up a bit! :call_me_hand:

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If its harry its a female

Are you an outdoor grower i was wondering is it beneficial to put the plant in the garage in darkness a little earlier to promote flowering?

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It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

Looks like a happy healthy girl to me.

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Yea the night shots are way better this morning and now last night if i walk into my backyard it reeks of super sweet stinky buds and im just at preflower stage the neighbors already said something about a skunk smell i dont care im in Michigan its legal wooohoooo


Here comes the hard part says everybody lol i put neem on her for the last time since shes showing alot of pistols gotta get something else for the buggers since its gonna flower


Look at that “grow” up! :call_me_hand:

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Shes going hard so im watering today i usually get runout at like 2 gallons im at 2 and half now and no runout shes hungry i have a feeling shes gonna get big. I remember having to bend down to look at her now shes a little above waist level on me.


Looking good @Superkurt420 she getting bushy my friend happy growing

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Thanks much happy growing :grinning:

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Do you think i should let her run out more than that im juat really trying to keep up on her now that shes gonna be flowering

In a pot that size i would expect more run off.

Have you considered supercropping her?

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I dont wanna do that just because i dont want to stress her right before flowering

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