I know this question gets old...is my AK-47 Auto ready for harvest?

I am entering my 11th week of flowering on my AK-47 auto. See the journal here: ILGM AK-47 Autoflower grow diary (journal) 2 harvest21 by - GrowDiaries

My 60x handheld microscope isn’t producing the clearest pictures but perhaps this video will help give some input: https://growdiaries.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/static/post/video/4665/14244_second-cropilgmak-47-autoflower_cnv.mp4

I know the answer. “It depends.” And “two more weeks.” I suspect that I need one more week. I am dying to harvest now. Any words of wisdom or advice or encouragement or patience?

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Not ready for harvest. Wait until the vast majority of pistils are finally dried up. There may always be a few white pistils here and there but it’s like with popcorn. When popping popcorn you accept you wont pop them all. If you try you’ll burn it. When all the pistils are brown you can harvest. But if you can see the trichomes then you can wait until they change color to about half amber. Dont wait longer than that or itll be overdone. Recap: you can harvest any time from when the pistils dry out to half the trichomes amber colored.

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“but it’s like with popcorn” That really helped. Thanks!

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Ya, lot of white pistils there yet

Glad i could help


I gota tell ya, That was one of the best post that I have seen on this forum. 1

Well done my friend.

Ya I saw a lot of clear a good two weeks I would say.
I look forward to more of your post.
I could use some pointers myself …lol

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That was truly helpful!

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Thanks! I’ll have to raise the bar on the next one.

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Well when you do, Ill be waiting … lol

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