AK47 Autos 12 weeks old. I’ve been checking the trichomes with jewelers loupe. From certain angles they look clear, from others they look cloudy. Judging from the pistils, they look ready to harvest. There are definitely some clear trichomes still on the plant. What are your thoughts from looking at the pictures?
If that was my plant I’d be giving it straight water and washing my mason jars. Can’t really see the trichomes, but the pistils and overall condition of the plant looks like it’s almost done.
Thanks. I’ve been feeding them Dr.Earth organic fertilizers the whole time, and half a gallon of creek water every other day. I may take the plant out of the tent tonight to try and look at the trichomes a little closer.
@1Cam She’s a beaut!! Get some tight shots and you may have yourself a BOM contestant!!
I love it when someone posts an “is it done” question and its actually done. Id check it with a magnifier to be sure. Shes definitely in the window.
Nice looking plant
Depending on your conditions you may not see trichomes mature. There are a couple of growers on here that can’t get them to cloudy or amber.
Plant looks mature: I’d recommend water only for another week.
The best way I’ve found to look at trichomes is to snip off a tiny piece of flower calyx and put it on your kitchen counter on a piece of white paper. My microscope has a stand so can set up without it jiggling around.
Wow, other than a quick trichome check, that baby looks ready.
Regardless, beautiful specimen you’ve grown there!!
Good looking buds. Let er rip.
A few of those White Widow autos I’ve grown took up to 16 weeks. Which is why I only use Autos outside or in a greenhouse now. I can grow photos in 16 weeks that don’t herm like autos at the end.
I would follow @Myfriendis410 advice and feed it water a week then chop as I felt no difference in potency between 10 weeks and 16.
Nice. Well done - as in she looks ready.