Humidity level off

So, I put a thermometer/hydrometer into the room a week or so ago. Humidity was perfect at around 46. The last few days it increased to 57. I didn’t do anything different. Any thoughts on how to bring it down again? I have a dehumidifier in there and the plant is showing no signs of stress.


What growth stage are the plants in :love_you_gesture:

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Third week of flowering.


How big is the grow space and dehumidifier? Ideal RH would be 45-55 :love_you_gesture:


If have good airflow that rh is fine.

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This is a daily fight in the south especially with the weather today. Ive got 2 box fans going so im not worried about it. I rarely run the dehumidifier because of the heatbut as long as ive got good airflow im golden.


I was just about to post a new topic about this. I have 3 ac infinty 69 pro crontollers running my 4x4 tent. The pic below is humidity at the top, then canopy level, then pot base (a couple inch off the floor of the tent) level. Should i only worry about canopy level or should i not let the bottom get below x humidity. Sometimes the bottom sensor is in the 30s. Im on the 5th week of flower. I have 4 clip fans going 24/7. I slow them down a little at night.