To help with humidity, is it ok to put a humidifier outside the tent to pull some moisture in. I know and understand why u dont want moisture directly on Buds as they grow, but is my idea ( im already doin) dangerous or am i good ? Without some humidity, it goes down to like 46% ,not sure how further down it would go/have went, didn’t wanna find out lol. All advice is appreciated, much thanx:v:t6: im ina 2×2
Should not be a problem at all. I see many people leave one outside the tent. Maybe wait for a few others to chim in as well tho.
Happy growin
Much thanx fam, some reassurance
That 46% is ideal for the flowering phase
Oooooh ok, good looks!! Much thanx fam!
PNW indoor grower, I use my de-humidifier outside tent (un-heated garage) when hanging buds to dry or PNW humidity is high (always). Using it inside a tent can add 4F degrees. Wife uses newest dehumidifier for gentle dry of delicate clothes, inside house (adds Heat and reduces moisture for house (under water, often)
I use AC-I T6 exhaust straight into attic or back into lung room Charcoal filtered air recirculated. Not sure if exhausted tent air with high humidity can increase lung room humidity, but for sure, exhausted tent air can raise temp in lung room/garage. Helps the other not heated tent.
You have a picture of flowers to share? Low 40’s is where I want to be in flowering. But I’m a rookie. The information you get here from this team of growers you can bank on. They are very knowledgeable. Can’t beat the knowledge from experience
I tried to load a few from 1st harvest, but the site is acting weird. Keeps giving me error messages
Not sure what process you use but I’m on a iPad. When I load, after their 100% a picture will appear. If I send before load is a 100% nothing appears.
Your RH is great for flower. You don’t want it too high in flower to avoid powdery mildew and bud rot. Where I’m located, spring is arriving and the RH is rising. I recently plugged in my dehumidifier to keep my lung room RH down.
Hows your temps running?
Yup and with summer coming, will you grow outdoors (legally)?
Im not able to, i live in an apt
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Try this, @Low helped me out and it worked.
Oh ok I didn’t know. My bad