Hps lighting in lrg room

Question about 1000 w hps. Mag ballast.
New grow area is 11x14 ft. How many effective sq ft will I be able to use for plants. @dbrn32. @Covertgrower.
I’m just getting things planned out for arrangement. Looking at middle of room for access to all sides. Thanks in advance.
Peace. :v:


I would think a room that size can handle atleast 3 1000w lights :thinking:


Room can handle it. My wallet won’t at this time. @Liljoe. Box says up to 8x8 but that’s a stretch isn’t it for 1 light. I’m only doing 4 plants. :v:

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My buddy did 3 of my GSC clones in a 3x4x6 tent, and 1000w light, abit of height issues near end but great results. I think 4 girls would b perfect under one 1000w light

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Thanks brother. Went for seeds and came home with a light instead. Gotta stop goin there with a head on. :grin:


Atta boy!!! Thats like me yesterday, went to hydro shop to get a 50cent hose fitting and ending up buyin a new water pump lol


Too funny brother. Too funny. :+1::grin:

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Thinking about 6 HPS in that space. @dbrn32 says they flower a 3x3 each. So with that in mind, consider that for the “best” coverage. Anything less than that, you’ll end up with a few dark spots. @Oldguy

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Thanks @Covertgrower. I’ve also got a small (300 w) blurple UFO that will be in there as well for supplement if I can use with benefit ?

Throw it a corner for funsies if you want. Not necessary though. since you have it adequately covered. @Oldguy

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Thanks for ur input my friend. Appreciate the thoughts. Peace. :v:

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I said what? Lol! Maybe a 315 cmh.

A fresh 1000 watt hps bulb is good for about 20 square feet. People will run them in both 4x4 and 5x5 tents/spaces. But if you’re designing a room you want to perform well I’d stick with one per the 20 sq ft. You can get more coverage out of a double light like gavita pro, they’re also quite a bit more expensive.


You say this ^ @dbrn32 I’ll just blame blue dream. :grin: swear it was HPS too though. Now I know.


Thank you @dbrn32. Where I’m only doing 4 for now with the one light I should keep it under 5x5 ? And if I put more in grow then more light is then needed.
Thanks. Just running ideas for my setup and trying to make easier for my arthritic joints. :v:


Ya, I’m sure I’ve said that about a 400. Not a 1000 though.

@Oldguy yes, 5x5 or less. And you should probably wrap that space with something reflective to keep light in too.

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Kool. Was wondering about that too.
Room is going all white but thinking a closer surface would be better for reflectivity. Mylar ? Or would just all white be good ?

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All white is good. Something like panda film is available on Amazon.

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Thanks for your insight and time. Much appreciated @dbrn32. Peace for now. :v:
I’m sure I’ll have more questions later. :grin:

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