For the first time I tried letting a male grow GG#4. It’s out doors and doing well. It is begging to look as if the seeds are showing or trying to. If some one could tell me when and or how to harvest this.I’m real new at this part.
Males don’t have seeds. They produce pollen.
Do you have any pictures of the plants you are growing? Pictures always help out my friend
I don’t know how to send pictures, but they do look good and healthy. And beginner new to this part I did learn after I had posted about seeds that I was wrong in my thinking they produced seeds. I did learn how to collect the pollen .So thanks I did learn something as always with the support that’s here. Thanks again. I won’t quit, and some day I will get it together right.
You can post pictures by hitting the blue reply button on the bottom right corner, then a text box will pop up. There will be an “upload” text in the bottom right corner, just click on that and choose where you would like to upload the pictures from. After that just wait til it says “100% uploaded, saved” and your good to go bud.
How can I tell if I have a female seed before growing it
I don’t think that is possible to determine the sex of a seed
Some swear by this method
@bruinsfan everything I have read about that is that it is BS @latewood
Never tried. Seen it after I planted the DP’s.
Now I Always trust the label on the baggie lol
exactly! @bruinsfan33 Sorry bro, outta likes
I knew males produced pollen but idky i thought they give seeds too lol…so the male can pollinate the female and shell produce seedy buds??
Correct. Some will use pollen from a male of choice and pollinate a female by choice. Hybrid strain.
@bruinsfan33 oh ok…idk if this is a dumb question but is there a certain way to pollinate? Or if i take a female to my moms as well will nature take its course?? I want to have more seeds in the future so that i can try to grow better.
I’m not sure about any correct ways to pollinate. I chop my males down. Others may have ways to do so, but not a novice like myself. If you have a female outside, a male can pollinate from at least a mile away. Nature will take its course if allowed.
Ok, thank you. I think at this point i will take all advice and kill thw poor guy. Hes more trouble then hes worth making a mess at my moms house lol…after all the females are what make the magic
I keep seeing people pop up and say if seeds are not black or damn near green black that they suck or whatever…
I have seen seeds of all colors sizes and shades of color with polka dots and with stripes, and the only way to tell if a seed is a female is to grow it and sex it by inducing 12/12 photo period.
I will say this. I do believe that you can help manipulate a seedling towards a higher % of females by using the correct photo period, tamps, and humidity. That is a story for another day, my friends. Peace, lw
Having trouble figuring out if my plants are male or female or both its my first time and not trying to mee them up PLEASE HELP!
wow bro thats alot of help