Anyone here have some pics or knowledge growing males and collecting pollen? I have scrolled a few journals of people ik for sure do but havent seen any actual talk/pics of the male plants.
@Bunger64 @Lacewing @TransplantedFarmgirl
This should get you rolling in the right direction!! Good luck
Thabk you sir. I checked Bunger64 around Thanksgiving time as he instructed but i must have missed what i was looking for. I saw a couple pics of male plants but must have overlooked the convo on it. Back to the reading block i go!
All of those Growmies are fairly active and im sure they would be happy to help you out. Ol B hes a watchdog around these parts lol. Dont much get by him, im sure he will be alone shortly!!
Good looks growmie i appreciate it
Heres something for your troubles
Yes I ran a science project Thanksgiving time, had sprayed a feminized photo to flip her to create pollen sacs u then placed 4 girls in with him so he could do what needed to be done. Dried and collected the pollen sacs mixed with corn starch.
Thanks for the tag @TheAbu95
Yep, I do grow out males long enough to collect pollen. I usually do grow the females at the same time but will isolate the male.plant once it starts showing sex. Males will usually mature faster than females. Pollen collection for future use is best as @Bunger64 had remarked, keep it dry and store with something like cornstarch to help maintain and extend use. Once pollen gets wet it is inert and useless. Make sure you store it dry and in a cool place. Good luck!
Do you have a journal where you have talked about this too? Just looking to read what i can but im unsure when my plant will actually produce the pollen. Is collecting the pollen simple? Id like to assume i could snipe the pollen sack and store the whole thing?
And thank you for the help as well!
After finding purple stipes on the nanners, I was shocked to find this.
see it?
Cheat coded for visually challanged.
Actually, found two different plants with same single popped nanners.
I did collect pollen.
Fisrt batch dried well, stored and worked.
Second batch molded.
Female Auto only from now on.
Done had my fun.
Ohh thank you. I did see pics similar to the first two. Tho the more i look at mine more unsure i am lol. Heres the plant in question. I should also have some more time tonight to finish reading on what i found on Bunger64 page.
Sorry no journal entry.
No worries at all. Still thank you for the input