How to tell if I have mold?

Here’s my top bud! First one ever! Worried about mold as I have high humidity 56-58% and temps are like 86 deg on average it is hot here!


Is that outdoor grown?

Not seeing any signs of it in ur pic.
And welcome to the neighborhood . :v:

Nope growing in a tent, I started in aerogrower til it outgrew, I accidentally put the light to low and it burned some leaves had to cut them off, I transplanted into a pot and was gonna try to put it outside and all the leaves started to curl up and die so I got a 4x4 grow tent in my garage with a few fans circulating, keep a floor unit ac in garage to help reduce the temp a bit during the day seems to be growing ok now nothing crazy tho.


Thanks! I haven’t had real stuff since 93, love to look in the tent just to have a wiff!