How much yield should I expect out of my auto flowering plants? Obviously there are a lot of factors involved. I am growing a (fast and vast auto) (Girl Scout cookie) (west coast OG) and a (Green crack)
Go check out, Dr. autoflower adventures, on YouTube. He’ll show you how much you COULD yield if grown perfectly lol. He grows incredible auto flower strains.
In my opinion and from what I’ve learned and personally have seen, I’d say you should expect a yield of anywhere from 14 grams to 200 grams. If you’re a new grower, I’d expect an ounce with proper lighting.
do you work for the cable company? Naah just playing.
True. Reminds me of posts of plant then how much do you think it’ll yield? Always get a between a g and a lb. Last plant I began saying I’ll be happy with 15g then after day 90 said this is a long time better be more than an ounce.
I know it sounds crazy lol but you can expect anywhere from a couple grams, all the way up to a couple ounces.
I have a GSC auto and I’m so excited to get her started!
I just finished an auto NL from ilgm and got like 40 g Didn’t particularly take care of it either. Hoping for two oz off this auto ak
Man, I have GOT to try this “Girl Scout Cookies” strain! I got started at the dispensaries (California) about 8 years ago, and used to be an indica guy, so I was always getting Purple Erkle or GDP as my staples, and when I went to sativa, got hooked on Blue Dream. I’d see the GSC, but just thought it was a goofy name, and never tried it. Now I keep hearing it is the SHIT! But awfully pricy! I can get 10 Blue Dream for about what 5 GSC cost!
I don’t care for the name Girl Scout Cookies. The batch I sampled tasted like Starbursts candy. Lol