How much water when transplanting?

I was curious if anyone has a good rough estimate about how much water to water in a transplanted plant with? i didnt want to do too much i transplanted into 5-7 gal fabric pot and watered with 350ml of water mostly focusing on the center and working my way out a little bit. will this be okay?


Depends on your soil type, RH, and other factors.
Provide as much of this info as you can. It’ll help determine better.

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  1. indoor
  2. N/A
  3. fem
  4. tap PH to 6.2-6.5
  5. N/A
  6. soil fox farm Ocean Forest
  7. N/A
  8. LED vivarspecra v600 and v300
  9. 75-78
  10. Rh from 65-70
  11. humdifier
  12. yes 4"
  13. no
  14. 1st grow
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I’m in coco so clueless to soil. If it’s still small I’d water around the leaf tips daily at least.


Sounds like you have a grip on it.


Appreciate you :facepunch:t3: thanks for the help

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You bet.

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I pre moisten my dirt so when I transplant I wont water for a day or two. Then try and go around the edge of the pot to make root spread. A couple waterings like that then I water til runoff.


Thanks :sunglasses: