How much longer again before these plants can be harvested?

Hi guys I got 1 northern lights and 1 blue haze both are in the 7th week since the light schedule changed too 12/12. Can you guys give me some advice I’m a first time grower. Oh and the northern lights some of the top leaves the ends are brown along with the inner part of the leaves what is it ?

This is the northern lights

And this is the blue haze


I’ve just finished a Northern lights auto and I harvested around 40 days from preflower, so at 7 weeks from switch you won’t be far off. As for the leaf tips that’s usually a sign of nute burn. Ladies are looking good good good :sunglasses:

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won’t auto flower have a faster harvest date than a photo period? Just asking because I have never grown any auto flowering plants as yet.

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Yep you’re right, sorry buddy mine was indeed an auto

How much did you yield? Just curious I am growing a northern lights auto.

I had humidity problems on that grow and ended up with bud rot as well so had to throw some out. Ended up with about 3 1/2 oz dry :pleading_face:

This is my first of three Northern Lights Autos. The others are bigger and still going.