So I’m in a 4x4 tent with 3 auto flowers and 2 bloom plus 2500’s. Should I be running both those lights from seedling all the way through or start with one light, then as they get older switch to both?, or will that potential hurt the plants adding double the light?
While dmall save power and run one they will veg good under low lighting just watch node spacing. Keep it 20 to 24 inches above. Do they have dimmer knobs??
Yes they do but it’s not as easily readable as it is just a screw that you turn. And when would be a good time to switch to both lights? Just don’t wana shock the auto flower with two much light at once. I was thinking using one fairly close then switching to two but raising the lights higher when I do. Thank you for the help
Light for plants is measured in PPFD. While PPFD might not mean anything to you, the recommended values will give you an idea of relative intensity required for each stage of growth. The recommendations are:
300 PPFD: seedling stage
600 PPFD: vegetative stage
800 PPFD: flowering stage
How many plants thsre. Id say prolly a week or so one loght and slowly turning that one up. Second week or so if big enoigh add the second light both on lower setting and slowly turn them up til full power over the next week or 2 of runnong so flower ull be full blast on if not just before. Ull know if its too much loght as leaves will look weird lighter yellow. @MidwestGuy is a super smart fella with some knowledge. Im sure he will get ya on a good track. Autos are toichy but i dont see issues with mine and too much light. That just keeps them super tight and compact which is not real good lol but u cant over nute autos. Start off at quarter or half recommended does and up it from there unless jacks 321 go full power
Thanks guys! It’s three plants, gorilla glue autos, 3 gal pots, living soil blend. I might go out and get a ppfd light meter just to stay on top of it and make sure they are getting a adequate light through their life. With two 2500 bloom plus in a 4x4 I should have plenty from what I’ve read
U can download a meter on ur smartphone if u have one. Its not exact but will be close enough to be in range
I was just about to suggest that route.
It works best with better cameras though. Maybe best with the last 2-3 generations of Samsung - or iPhone if you have to buy Apple. LOL!
Have you or anyone else had any experience with those? I have an iPhone but I don’t know if I can trust an app reading. Some only read in lux too, I’m looking for ppfd
The one I use is called PPFD Meter…maybe it’s only compatible with Samsung. I have zero experience with that brand you mention.
I believe there’s a formula for converting lux to PAR or PPFD. I have not compared it to a handheld meter but my plants are doing just fine and the readings are comparable to the published data on my light. And I’d like to think companies are using “real” meters.
Just a suggestion. Do whatever you want.
Thanks man! Any help is good help and much appreciated. Happy growing! I’ll try one of these apps, I know they are cheap but as long as they give me a general idea I should be good from there
Lux meters can also give you relative comparisons, but differing lights will have differing PPFD levels for the same energy expended. PPFD is a broader spectrum of light than is measured with lumens. Varying manufacturers will have different spectrum profiles according to the components their lights are built with.
Yeah that’s the best one I found. Cost 6 bucks to get it to read full spectrum leds but it’s better than spending 200 I guess. Thanks my man
I just use the sun setting. I think it was @BobbyDigital who tested this against high end meters and it was pretty accurate.
Correct, sunlight was the closest to the apogee meters.
Thank you all so much! Your amazing