How much light for greenhouse

I’ve always grown indoors and followed 150w per plant but am going to try my hand at growing outside in my greenhouse this year my question is how much supplemental light do I need to use for them?


Should only need supplemental lighting if you have less than 15 hours of daylight, I’ve got mine out in the greenhouse now and I’ve got the lights on for a few hours after sunset until mid to late may.


What wattage do you use for them? I’ve been looking at these but don’t know if they’ll do what I need?

I believe any light source will work the T5’s I have out there right now are only 25 watts a piece, but in my case I’m just stopping them from flipping to flower.

What exactly are you trying to do with lighting in the greenhouse ?

Just trying to make sure all the plants have the right amount of light so they grow the best they can. We get a lot of rainy days so it’s cloudy a lot and I don’t want to waste money on lights that won’t work but don’t have to burn them either with too much light.

Supplemental lighting for a greenhouse when growing MJ is usually to keep them from flowering too early in the growing season. The light doesn’t need to be very strong you are not trying to grow with it or add anything to the existing sunlight. Its just to keep the plant from flowering. None of this matters if you are growing autos. They’re gonna flower when they’re ready no matter how many hours of light per day they get.


@ADK_Guerrila I love your set up I have some clones In a shed that are getting too hot during the day. Im thinking of putting them out now instead of waiting until june. Im trying figure out how to put some lights outside that dont light up the whole area. I think Ive got a few 16w grow lights Im thinking I might use them. They’d only need to be on for a couple of hours.


I hate suggesting auto but if an established grower all your ills are cured with light probs. I prefer photo but a greenhouse would do an auto good. Stress free usually so will thrive.

@plumbdand thanks !! I’m sure you could even use Christmas LED lights if you wanted :joy:

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Never grown outdoors but would like to follow along.


Love the fish tanks. Those are my favorite small plant/clone trays. Happy growing.

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@noddykitty1 they really help with labeling with dry erase rather than labeling each pot haha they definitely work great to start seedlings by turning them upside down or covering the top.

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I am a big fan of bottom/wick watering clones and seedlings. Lil 10gallon tanks are perfect for this. Never thought about the labeling, that is brilliant. The crows always steal any plant tag I put out canna or not.

No joke, they line them up on my door mat as an F-U to me. Don’t eat my corn and pumpkin seedlings you damn crows. I use painters tape now, but writing on the glass and a marker would sure be handy. Thanks for the idea.

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@noddykitty1 I’ve been trying out bottom wick watering but I was scared to try it in the aquarium because I was worried about overwatering so I’ve been using a separate container and just judging by weight of the pot when to pull them.

I just started over 150 veggie plants and labeling sucks real bad haha