Hey guys, so I have a whole bunch of seeds and like 100 more comin, I’m not gunna get through them all anytime soon, so what would be the best way to store them? Would they be okay just in their packaging in a shoe box in the dark? How long would they last like that? Some websites say only a few months, some say aslong as a few years, some say they’ll only last years if refrigerated, which for me isn’t really possible as only have the one fridge the family uses, don’t want my seeds to be wasted so any advice much much appreciated
I’ve got over 100 different strains stored in a small Glad container in the 'fridge. Takes up almost no space.
Like a food storage tub thingy?
Yeah; Tupperware container with a lid about 4 X 6" and 3" deep.
Awesome thank you bro
As long as you keep them away from moisture and high heat, they keep most anywhere. Cool, dry, dark. Good to go.
I was looking for something in storage and found a container of seeds. Best guess is they are more than 20 years old. The storage room was cool and dry so fairly decent conditions for long term storage. I just put a half dozen seeds in water and will see what happens.
If you cannot use fridge, i would put in the coolest place in your house. For me its my basement but if your in the south i know that is not a option. Looks like u got alot of seeds, sorry i dont have better advice but keep those seeds safe and dry and cool.
I use a baseball card binder and I store it in my fridge or my cool basement if the fridge gets too full.
Thanks guys, I just ended up making room in fridge and putting them in zip lock bags, then placed them in s small black plastic bag so they don’t get too much light when fridge opened. Is this okay?
You probably have too many, so you can send some to me.
I store my seeds in small plastic bags in a jar in a spare fridge.
I’d have no problem with that
Yes, it is ok! I have genetics from 2007 still in the fridge that work beautifully
SL out
Ahhh awesome thanks bro! feel a bit less anxious about wasting them now