How lomg do you let your weed cure?

So with the avid smokers in my house i never get to really cure my grows like I’d like but i have a jar of gorilla z i grew to perfection and have it put away in a mason jar. I’ve read so many different opinions on the curing lengths. What is your opinion on the perfect curing time? Do u open the jar during the process? How tight do you pack it?


2 to 4 weeks minimum, but recognize that curing and chlorophyll breakdown continues for much longer.

Yes. A jar must be burped. I burp mine 2x a day for a week, daily for another 2 weeks, and then I make adjustments to achieve and maintain an ideal storage humidity of 60%.

Leave enough room that some air circulation can take place in the jar.


Perfect! Thats exactly what im lookin for in advice.


I have an issue with curing I think. I harvested my first grow of Blue dream and Gorilla glue. I have a hydroponics ebb and flo growing in hydroton system. I use GH flora series nutes and flushed with floraclean for 5 days before harvest.
The issue I am having might be chlorophyill but i am not sure.
My harvest has been in mason jars for the last 2 weeks and humidity held at 62% through burping when needed. The issue I am having is the smoke seems to be a little harsh and dry at the back of your throat. when you smell the bud it seems to have a little green or grassy smell to it. The kief in the grinder seems to be greener and not as dry as usual.
Do I need to just be patient and wait another couple of weeks or did I dry or cure it wrong? I dried it for 7 days at 50-55% humidity.


I would be patient. Two weeks of cure isn’t that long. It should continue to mellow out over time.

Welcome to the forum.


Great information here for curing your yield. I placed my first 3 grows in jars and bodeva packs were added. On my 4th grow I placed the yield in curing bags because 4lbs filled a lot of jars. The problem was in the 1/4 pound size bag I had two seals mess up and had I not check them periodically the buds would have dried out due to them not sealing properly. I will not use cure bags again. I’m sure all are not defective but I no longer trust the 1/4 pd bags. The 1/2 and 1 pd seem to do fine.

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Oh I forgot welcome to the community our new friend happy growing

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@Madams @mark99

The technique @MidwestGuy described is spot on.

After about 4 weeks I will start to consume, but it’s still “fresh”. I find the best taste, effects and smoothness around 4 to 6 months after going in the jars. It takes almost a year before I maybe notice any degradation. And I’m not even sure about that, my friends love it, but they’d scraped stuff off the floor of their car to smoke sooo…


Each plant I have set back has cured and changed over the course of several months.
Yes, its smokable after a few weeks, but terpenes and profile changes can take place over longer times. To the OP I will say to keep that jar and taste test it every two weeks and see for yourself what happens. I just found a Granddaddy Purple that has aged for over a year and its really a different animal than others I have had. I thought it would be very sleepy but turned out to be more cerebral and a good working strain. Kept me clear headed and focused on my task. Cannabis is so odd in its effects. Each and every plant seems to be unique in some way.


My Orioz and GG4 have been in Groves bags since January. I’ve been sampling them since week 2. They were both harsh in the beginning.
They are mellowing out nicely now. They have changed from a fairly strong pungent smell to more pleasant smells. The GG4 has a faint spice and citrus smell. The Orioz has an earthy, sweet, spice smell.
The GG4 is definitely more potent.

That’s why I am considering grove bags. You can heat seal them.

I want to go with half an ounce size because I hate the idea of opening a big bag to take a single piece. I started grinding every nug per vape session and its made the bags from the dispensary (first grow) last a lot longer so I think that’s the way to go.

I’ll probably get them on ebay since gove has shipping costs.

Too small.
One-ounce bags, half filled.
When you need some, transfer to jar.

Toys for storage

Welcome to the fun.
Happy growing is great, if the cure is correct.

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I had no idea there was such a thing as burp lids, I have them in my cart now, do you fit a whole plant worth of bud in 1 jar?

Never pack or stuff weed in jar(s) or bags.
I leave room for buds to freely tumble if jar is turned (while viewing RH device). Not for use while Burping stage, IMO. Storage positive potential.
I hang small stalks, 3 inch pieces.