It’s official. Fish Whistle Labs is abandoning dirt and going DWC. I plan on running two 17 gallon totes with 2 plants each. I currently have a 25 watt that runs a single bucket, but i dont feel like it would be enough to run 2 totes. Any thoughts on how big of a pump I would need to run said set-up?
@OGIncognito got any input brother?
Appreciate the tag Brother, @FishWhistleLabs you might want to reconsider 2 plants per tote, they’ll grow into each other creating all kind of maintenance issues. That pump seems adequate but I would consider 1 pump per tote. Tagging @Retiredoldguy who runs a set up like you’re describing but with single plants.
1 plant in a 17 gallon tote
morning Fish… if this is your air pump you are speaking of then I use this to determine the size of the pump…
air 1 liter for every 4 liter nutrient…my pump does 16L so that can work with about 17 gallons of nutrient if just one air stone…I have 4 air stones so 17/4 is good for 4 gallons or so…
Thanks for the info! I want to get all my supplies for the lab remodel right so i can be ready for the 1st of the year. No mid grow issues!