High rh in bag after hang

My first cuttings hung for about 4/5days got them and the small buds to between 8-15% out them into grove bags and rh was still upper 70’s,
I’ve placed them in to seperate paper sacks with paper sack covering for 3 days and uncover for an hour or so everyday. Rh still at 70-72% in the paper sacks…
-trying to get them down to 62 so I can place them back in the grove bags …

  • thoughts ?

Have you tested to make sure the hydrometer is accurate and compairing to other ones? You can also test it in a baggie with one of those humidity packs and see if it matches the bag. Leave air in the bag but not from blowing in it. Or a salt test. Not saying this is the issue but a suggestion. Also are you leaving enough air room?


3 differentlarger paper sacks each hygrometer says the same. So they’re staying consistent. Buds aren’t “piled” on each other to bad. It’s been really rainy here and was pretty high before I bagged them. Should I switch paper sacks after awhile ?

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And def appreciate the response. I will be getting one of the packs and see if they all match that

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I hate humid days, especially when trying to dry bud. Paper sacks will absorb the piss outta any humidity around. My suggestion would be to get a cardboard box with some bamboo sticks or similar to make a rack. Hang your bud, close the box, and dont open for a day or so. The cardboard will soak up alot of the moisture. After that, then sweat your buds in a paper sack… if humidity outdoor is high, then place the bag inside the cardboard box.


Will try this. Had recently purchased some cardboard boxes for this purpose. Buds are already trimmed and smaller so will just lay them in! Thanks so much !

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If you are laying them down, flip them every 24 hours.

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When I have less then favorable conditions for drying, I always love the brown grocery bag. Gives them a nice pull from the center dry.

I laid the grocery bag flat on its side. All the moisture soaks to the bottom. Then I flip the bag over on his other side. I normally had to change the bag once a day as it got so moist.

Weed always seems to take a few days longer to dry in the bag for me (also a bonus).


Awesome thank you

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When my weed hits 70% on the hygrometer I pull them from the brown bags and put them in glass mason jars burping them 4 to 10 times a day until the RH hits 64% (takes about 6 to 7 days) and then I throw them into Grove bags for permanent cure.


Gotcha. Just hung most of those yesterday and looked it’s 50 degrees and 87percent humidity gonna get another dehumidifier and add it to the mix… cold and rainy isn’t helping. Thanks for the info got about a 1/2 pound or so in the bags I’ll get them out of there and into jars

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Do the paper sacks dry back out after the first use and useable again ?

Yes I always put them in a different room to let them dry out. I will use them as well again