Hey everyone long time lurker new grower I apologize in advance my grammar and spelling is some shit so bare with me lol. I germinated two gorilla glue auto seeds from iglm. They took roughly 5 days to sprout a tail ( think this was due to basement cold temps) I planted both on 12-20-20 one popped out the soil on 01-01-21. The other wouldn’t pop so my goofy ass dug through the dirt trying to see if I had seed rot I found the seed and the tap root had grown like 1/2” and stopped was dry so I threw back in the dirt and kept watering her with a humidity dome sure enough finally she popped on 01-06-2. The second plant has been lagging behind bad (stunted I suppose) I wanted to get yals advice and criticism I’m kinda of a perfectionist so I wanna get things right lol I’m using a bloom bp1000 for a light, a 20”x36”x63@“ ac infinity tent, 1 6” fan, growing in 5 gal fabric pots with coast of Maine stonington blend, both plants get 16 oz of ph’d water at 6.0, runoff water is reading 6.5, light schedule at 20/4. I was going to too too but have been to nervous have read that it may kill auto flowers? What about scrogging, lst, and super cropping instead? How do they look? I know some of my leaves look weird. Anyone know why? Are they having any kind of deficiency? I’m sorry if I’m all over the place with rant style post Thanks in advance everyone!!!
Welcome to the party! Lots of good people, with lots of knowledge. For me, plants look ok. Give some folks a tag, like @Nicky, @Caligurl .
They most likely can help. Other thing is language is a strong no no on the forum posts. Please try to adhere. Again, welcome and happy growing.
@TEGRITY understood thanks!!! I apologize it’s the construction worker in me . Thanks for the welcome!!!
Hey, I totally understand! I’m fluent! But seriously, this is a great site. I’ve grown for a while, but this stuff is serious science! Indoor grow is a whole different animal!
More qualified people will be along shortly, but I think your plants look good. Good color, good node spacing and don’t give up on the runt. I’ll tag a few more. @Not2SureYet @Amazon66
@Grasshoppa91. Spent a summer with a construction crew. Learned to swear in Arabic, Spanish and German. LOL
I’m loving it so far!!!
Oh I’m def not I wasn’t sure if it looked weird lol. Yea and I have cal and mag on hand.
Hahaha it’s amazing what you’ll learn isn’t it I couldn’t speak any Spanish til I started! But you meet such cool people.
Welcome to the community, good luck with the grow.
Thanks glad to be here!
Sup hoppa! Great site here. I also have a couple ilgm GGA’s that broke soil about 2 weeks ago. Plenty to learn here for sure. Best of luck! Worst part is the language thing, 30 years in construction will do that
@Grasshoppa91 Welcome to the forum. What I would recommend is upgrading your light. I started first grow with the same light in a 2x2. Probably great for one plant. I upgraded and added another SF1000. Second grow now only one plant. At Week 5 and she is taking up nearly the entire area! Did lots of LST for this attempt. First grow turned out rather poor, but a great learning experience.
As others pointed out, many knowledgeable growers here who willingly share ideas, recommendations, and offer support. Also, don’t give up on the little one; you’ll be surprised at how resilient they are!
I would begin some LST on the bigger one if you are going to do it. Autos don’t give you much time as they can begin flowering in as little as four weeks.
Continued success.
Welcome to the forums and thus the community
Congrats on starting your first grow, I run autos feel free to check out grow journals for lots of information.
Your plants look good and healthy.
Your PHing to low so let’s address that.
PH all water in soil from 6.3-6.8 and am for 6.5 until flower when you want 6.5-6.8
What is your water source? Tap? City? Well? RO?
Don’t use distilled
How many ppm is it? Test with your tds meter.
Your lighting is perfect right now, we can tell this by the amount of space between each leaf branch set also know as a node. So your inter node space should be ideally around 1"
As soon as you notice pre flower pistils lower your light right down to close like 12" or so this will help increase the intensity and prevent the stretch phase from getting to out of control BUT your plants woll stretch so you’ll have to adjust your light every day or two for a week or so.
Right now your at the 5th node. I strongly recommend you FIM.
FIM’ing is a medium - stress training method that is well suited to autos, it will break your main cola into 4 colas and give you better light distribution to more bud. You should do this asap as your already growing another node. I will post a video one sec
@Nicky Always comes with the straight facts! Listen and learn!
It’s really simple just ensure you keep 20% of the veins. Don’t cut all the way to the stem or that won’t grow back. Find the lowest stem of the 4 leafs then go up 20% cut the rest off.
I have not built up the courage to try these techniques that I read you and others doing, and with great results/success. I can’t believe I have LSTed (is that even a word?) as aggressively as I have. Once I started, no turning back.
This is great information!
Welcome to the forum. You look to be off to a good start there I can never watch Nicky’s videos. They show as age restricted
The best advise I could give is just grow it. For your first plant, if you keep things simple. You will learn a lot more. And once you have the basics down. Your next plant will be even easier to grow, and more fun to try new things with. There will be enough stress for you just growing it normal the first time . Topping is easier to do. I have to disagree with it is any more stressful on a plant though. I have yet to have it show other wise. @Nicky has extra good luck with fimming
If you can do a fim. You get and extra pair of branches from it.
Well that’s because it’s cannabis and it’s not “made for kids” lol it’s not my choice, it’s either made for kids or not.
Oh really awesome! I love gorilla glue haha how’s yours going? @Pinboy. Yea I got the light on a sale I also have two grow lights I was given while working at a weed farm (best job ever!) and yea I wanna start lst but not quite sure where to start I went ahead and bought these ground spikes to do so @PP3121. I went ahead and ph’d my water at 6.5 this time and I went ahead and fimed it i hope it i did it right haha thanks for all the info and vid! @Nicky. Yea this places rocks! Everyone has been so helpful! @Not2SureYet . Can I just continue to log here? Also I bought some “stump tea” and was curious if anyone has used it? Should I use it? Etc. Also sorry for the late reply it said I was out of post for my first day