Hi Everyone First grow!

I just went for it and started after the fifth node came in and bent the main stem down:

First I tied the main stem low in the opposite direction that the LST would be pulling so as not to rip her out of the soil.

Ina few days, the side branches took off and I had to start pulling those down. I just kept on doing this until I have this (most recent but several days ago):

I think as of today I have about 10 - 12 colas. Some are growing better and faster than others. You can see that I accidently cracked one stem. It is doing fine and growing well.

Some of the side branches are just as thick as the main branch! :sunglasses:

Next grow I will definitely try topping or fimming or both! :thinking:

I’m just learning as I go and from the knowledge gained here from others!

Keep posted and continued success.


Edit: above posts confused me for a min lol.

The stump tea is all nitrogen you won’t really need it. Your soil will need a boost come flower /week 4 or 5 so your going to want a flower nutrient. The cheaper the better whatever is on sale.

I would suggest a FIM the give it a couple days to grow maybe a week then you can lst.


Never used or it heard of it before but it looks like there’s a lot of good stuff going on in that stump tea just reading the bag. Would probably be a good add, especially early on in a grow.


They are looking very healthy! I noticed you are growing autos - don’t go too heavy handed on the training. Unfortunately you don’t get a lot of recovery time as the total growth time is set in the breeding.
I have a run of autos going at he moment - and the ‘no training’ training method has worked a treat!!! :+1: :sunglasses:


This is your journal. So yep. You can post all you want. It looks like these guys have you covered. She is looking really nice. That doesn’t look like a first grow plant to me :+1:


@PP3121 nice plants what strains? Omg 12 colas!? Lol @Nicky yea I went ahead and fimed :slight_smile: i think I may try the tea at half dose haven’t decided though @Eagles009 yea I’m still on the fence about it but I really wanna try it at the same time haha @Budz420 yea I’m liking the autos I’m hoping to make a perpetual grow :wink: @Not2SureYet much appreciated glad to have ya!

im still watering at 6.5 and running 20/4 lights. They are starting to smell like weed :slight_smile: so I posted pics of them please criticize my lst is it right or wrong? And i fimed both the small one I only fimed once you should be able to see it in the pic. But the second one the big one was victim to a misinformed high sleepy me went ahead and read somethings that led me to believe that I should fim like 6 times which I did I attached a pic with arrows I know I know not a smart move at al have no idea what I was think I must have been smoking some good sish.


LST looks good. There’s really no right or wrong. As long as you have a plan and you manipulate the plant to that end. Then that’s a success in my book. That’s a lot of fimming :rofl:. If she were a photo no big deal. I topped 8 branches at the same time before. Plant didn’t do anything for three days, probably sitting there thinking “WTF!” But she carried on just fine after that.

Plants are looking good!


Yea the fabric pot is kind of annoying when it comes to ties down. And yea I want sure if I messed up and fimed a bud site was my main concern. And yes this is my new favorite hobby for sure :joy::nerd_face:


I’m too new for giving advice. I used clothes pins and string on my fabric pots. Made it really easy to move things where I wanted them.

Hope that could help make things easier for you.


I’m just going one Blueberry. I didn’t have the courage to top or fim, so I did some aggressive LST. I am not sure if all the new stems will be as large as the main cola. So perhaps my wording may be misleading. I am seeing many bud locations.

This is the latest pic from today. She is 5 weeks old and about a week and a half into flowering.


The FIM looks good congrats you’ll know for sure a week down the road but it looks good.
Yeah only fim the main one, lol will be Intresting to see what happens hopefully she doesn’t stunt.

May be a good time to feed that stump tea to allow her to get nutrients easy but go light!!
It takes a whole to notice results from the feeding of nutrients in soil like 5 days or so it’s roughly somewhere around that Mayne less Mayne more depending on factors.
Your looking for DARK green leafs and the tips starting to claw down. Thst means to much nitrogen back off the feeding or stop it till they lighten up.


@Underthestairs all advice is appreciated new or seasoned grower haha and I love the clothes pin idea! @PP3121 I wanna grow blueberry next I think she looks so good! @Nicky yea I’m my own worst enemy sometimes I still don’t know why I fimed her like I did haha and ok yea I think I’m gunna Run the tea at 25% of suggested normal dosage you think? I figured less is better then more lol.

i attached some pics of my fim and she looks to be recovering even the others 5 spots me and my scissors found :expressionless: lol also attached a couple pics of these spots/blotches on a couple of the leaves only on the big plant they have been on there a little while so I know it’s not from fiming. Any ideas? Is this just from water getting on the leaves while watering? I woke up and decided f@&$ work so I’m sitting on the floor on my closet at 5:30 am talking to my girls and my self(I can hold a convo with my self for hours :joy:) Thanks everyone Yal have been top notch!


Probably nothing to worry about.
Keep on growing

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Way to just go for it!

The first BB was my best plant. I cured for over a month and the smell just got better and better. Really, a real fruity smell! Although she was harvested too early, smoked well and helped me sleep.

Will be watching this grow. :+1:

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So i checked on the girls today smaller plant is looking good looks almost like a different strain lol the bigger plant seems to be recovering well too but the spots I had posted earlier seem to be worse almost a rust color with a gleam

cal-mag def? Any idea? I did add a light to boost my other light I had been given while working at a weed grow maybe i burnt her? Too much light?


Nice grow.


You will find a LOT of GREAT advice here. Don’t get overwhelmed.

As to the difference in our plants, this is not unusual. I just finished a grow of two Jock Herer’s from the same supplier. One grew just as yours. The other looked so different we nicknamed her “alien”. Both are in the curing stage RN.

Go figure.

Always remember: Keep growing . . . keep learning.



Thanks!!! Yea it’s so weird to see next to each other haha. I’m still trying to figure out my brown spot problem I’m starting to Lean cal def. Please correct if im wrong. Il take any advice haha

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plants look great man, what is your water source? I have some white widow autos in stonington in 5 gallon bags.They are super healthy at 8.5 weeks since sprout. I started them on the Coast of Maine liquid squid at week 4 and scratched in some CoM fish bone meal at week 5. Depending on your water source, you might need some cal mag. I defer that to the pro’s here.
Just remember you will need to think about adding nutrients around week 4 or so with the Stonington.

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Appreciate the feedback! Yes I was thinking cal/ mag too. I went ahead added 1ml cal/mag to my water yesterday sorry for the late reply must have never finished lol. I also gave them both some stump tea at 1/10th strength. And upped their water to 2 bottles of water each is that enough at week 4? Also attaching some week 4 photos my gromies!!!
Also got a bonsai thing going with my one plant :slight_smile:

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Also was not aware of needing nutes darn lol.

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