He's dead but what do I do now?


Outdoors or indoors?

You’ll want to look for more eggs. They are tiny, usually bright green to light yellow round balls. It’s a type of Army Worm

Spray with Monterey BT.

They will poop in your buds and cause bud rot. Watch for signs of bud rot. What stage are your plants in?


Right in the middle of flower. Indoor grow. Only beast I have seen but what a bummer.I grew some plants outdoors in the summer and the hurricane came thru and rained for 2 weeks and got bud rot. You learn and move forward…


Yeah, those moths can smell the flowers and that’s what attracts them. The moths are what lay the eggs so I’d definitely check for more but the BT spray is the way to go 100%.

The moth can lay a mass of hundreds of eggs overnight. The BT works when the caterpillar ingests the leaf sprayed with it. It doesn’t kill them immediately but it will over the next few days. Follow the directions for a repeat spray.

It is possible the worm just rode in with you on your sock or something… but if you find a dead moth in the tent, be vigilant


I did have a small moth i caught on fly paper. That and damn fungus gnats…my grow room is an old garage recently renovated so a Tasmanian devil could be in there…:grinning:


Oooh… then definitely scope out under the leaves for a cluster of eggs… do the BT


Whar is BT ? How is it appllied?

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I use Monterey BT. The active ingredient is the beneficial bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki

It’s not harmful to humans or pets. It is applied as a foliar spray. You can get it pre-mixed or a concentrate.


Got it thanks ! Do you spray the buds?

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Yes, you can spray the buds… just do a bud wash after harvest because of the caterpillar poop