Hershy's Coco Scrogs

Nice! I fimmed the tops like that on a gold leaf and man she tried to take over a 5x5 @kaptain3d would be proud :smiling_face_with_tear: of your work!


i just wanna add my list of strains i will all be growing in coco for this journal

1- EG Dirty Little Secret (Reg)
2- EG Rainbow chip (Reg)
3- EG Holiday Special (Fem)
4- EG Next Level (Fem)
5- EG Apes in Space (Fem)
6- EG Melon Milk (Fem)
7- HCC Cheeky Banana (Fem)
8- RKS Juicy Fruit (Fem)


Nice line up! You got me wanting to soak some more :beans: :joy: I don’t need to I have plenty going again I don’t need to I have plenty going :stuck_out_tongue:


u know u could fit one more :smirk:
its just one more lol


Ya know! I am kinda of excited to soak these equilibrium beans I got!



ive heard stories of cereal milk. i think we would all like to see that one drop.
all the cool kids are doin it


:joy: now your just pushing my buttons! I can’t let you guys down and I have been hiding long enough! Man I still cannot believe we made it to legalization! Woot woot!


im still gettin used to it.
well you said it urself, in that case, do both.
cant have an odd number, that would be wierd


Everybody in the pool! :joy: you got me @Hershy420


now its a party :partying_face: :tada:


Shower and off to work time :disappointed: Have a great day! See y’all after bit!


main thing is, they all have take off… for the most part lol


light and new controller ordered and arriving Saturday.
put a huge dent in my wallet :face_with_peeking_eye: but it should pay off :crossed_fingers:


:joy: I just grabbed a Pro69 controller great wave we’re on brotha :ocean:! I also made it to HD and got the mounting hardware for an in-line filter. Gonna be filling the reservoir by the weekend! Time to get to testing! My new mother plants are chugging along and I got tails on the lemon cherry gelato & cereal milk :wink: They gonna hit solo cups when I get home this evening! Now I don’t know what to run first :joy:


very nice, our progress is definitely movin along.
i ended up goin with the controller 75 with the two plugins instead of 4, just to save a few bucks. all i plan on pluggin in is the light and the exhaust fan, the rest i can control manually.
i got sprouts on all but a couple at this point.

thinkin about starting the nutes pretty soon, once the coco dries up a little, its still pretty wet from when i sprayed em down a few days ago, so the roots are still getting developed i believe.
i dont wanna hit em too early, but i definitely wanna start soon.
as of now, im just usin straight spring water.


Looking great! I’m going to start my new :beans: in coco as well…. Here we go w the coco! Ps I have the 69 controller and works great where I keep my mother plants. And I am only using 2 ports fan and exhaust! Man am I getting excited! Been hand watering and lugging water jugs for years before I got my RO buddy and also sucking up runoff w a shop vac. I also now have running water next to my reservoir need to save a few :yen: and install a 2 stage filter and I’m gtg!


same here, usin a shopvac for the runoff.
i used to haul gallons up an down stairs till i got that RO buddie, totally worth every penny btw! i got the 4 stage with the DI filter as well to get that 0ppm
ive hooked up buddies with RO water for a quarter of the price some shops charge for it around here, since i dont pay for water here.
ya, that RO buddie is definitely a huge money saver in the long run

i do plan on getting these wicks in once the roots get more towards the bottom an seeing how that goes, or i may switch to autopots or something.
im still incorporating how i can change things up to get rid of this shopvac runoff method :rofl:


I hooked my RO buddy up to a wire rack and set in the slop sink next to my washing machine. 1 five gallon jug = 1 load of laundry :joy: waste not want not… works great :+1: Them autopots are awesome but I gotta tinker so… Just not one to sit and watch paint dry yet!


i wish i had a washer to do that with, all the loads of laundry i could do…

i switched to coco to be more hands on an able to water more often. i suppose it would defeat the purpose to get autopots :rofl:
dont think i can afford a setup for this run anyway, might be stuck with what i got regardless. guess it’s top watering and shopvacing for the both of us :yum:

u should post some pictures here, im a bit curious how ur setup is looking so far, unless u have a journal somewhere already.

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The Bucket company 5 gallon trellis growers set up, 55gal food grade res, filters, pumps, and a New :bulb: Scorpion Diablo X . If I keep the light! Had a bad delivery experience and may send it back. A couple simple modifications to the setup, mostly the water lines how I want them etc. super excited for this weekend if all goes well I’ll finally get to push some :sweat_drops: through this system. I need to start a journal!! Ps drain to waste using the easy peezee runoff kit straight to a drain.