Hershy's Coco Scrogs

Going to be a sweet set up and turn out some monsters :muscle::muscle::love_you_gesture:


Honestly, I’m most excited about the self watering and runoff pump :joy: in my 50’s brotha and done my back work w this hobby for a long time! And with legalization my wife has taken a small interest :wink: :heart: and Yes the potential monsters! Gonna be a small learning curve, but no fear w the amazing people like yourself to help guide me through coco, multiple feedings and a reservoir. I could have saved some :moneybag: and just picked up a whip kit and reservoir, but this is my hobby so ya know :wink: Merry Christmas to me!


I hear ya, 59 myself. That’s awesome to hear the wife is taking an interest, Paula is coming around slowly. Auto feeding definitely helps when you have to be gone a day or several. Tagging along for your new journey :love_you_gesture:


very nice, very nice indeed. cant wait to see that badass setup in action


How exciting! Congrats on the new gear. Make sure to send me a tag when you get it started!


im definitely looking into the bucket company products at this point :call_me_hand: thanks for that info, it will be used.
im already lookin into the 5 gal trellis setup


thats pretty awesome that ur wife is taking interest, i envy you and any other man with a woman like that!
especially @Low and @MadamCalamity !
they are lucky ducks to have found each other and have that partner to help with all this growing shenanigans :call_me_hand:

my woman start b - itchin at me the day i got the first tent (2x2).
u couldnt even imagine the way she reacted when the 4x4 showed up :rofl::rofl:
she did the whole, this isnt even legal yet, omg we are gonna get in trouble, and we cant afford this stuff, yada yada…

than after that first crop i did (all thanks to @Low and @LiesGrows walk through they did with me through my first grow, i can not thank you two enough, as well as all the other people that gave advice to me throughout!!!) she saw that money really does grow on trees!! hahaha.
after she saw that, she stopped complaining about the new equipment coming in, but it sure would be nice to have someone to actually help me out with setting stuff up and doing the waterings and all that, i truly envoy u folks for having that. that is so amazing to have.

i suppose for this grow, im basically stuck with what i got, hand watering and shopvacing haha.

its been a bit difficult after the two transplants in to coco, since every bit of water i put in seems to come right back out the bottom as if its not even soaking any of it up.
i think they are still getting used to the new home too cuz the growth is just starting to show again since the transplant.


trimmed an topped what i could again.

super excited for the new light coming in the morning! :partying_face:
wish it was here already ugh. shipping is a pain! :unamused:


Looking good brother and im glad i was able to help coast ya through it was a pleasure you caught on extremely quick and went balls to the wall haha reminds me of when i started cultivating back in 2019 started with 2 unknown plants in a 4x2 next thing i knew i had a 4x8 with 10 plants taking up LITERALLY HALF my gaming room with a 4x2 stuffed in there also haha


I was there for a while. Lol. Didn’t mind it in the beginning just got tired of hauling run off.


And there ya go! The fellowship here is what really keeps ya coming back! And ya know the love of cannabis! It’s a pretty rare occasion I spend much on myself. I believe these buckets will last a long time. I sold my motorcycle this year and that straight broke my heart! So I spent a few bucks on a new system and took lil momma to Orlando for the 4th of July. Lead on @Hershy420 Hope to be at least pushing :sweat_drops: this weekend. Also worked some :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: overtime for that new lamp :bulb:


started jack’s full strength and silica at half strength.


Believe me at first I wasn’t a happy camper lol Our state literally just became legal and when low ordered the equipment. We were legal but it just didn’t sit right with me at first. Then I realized that it was kind of silly. If I can grow fruits, veggies and herbs then what’s the difference with cannabis. It’s just a plant just like everything else. The only difference is I LIKE growing herbs and whatnot but I LOVE growing cannabis. It was a little overwhelming at first because all of a sudden low started buying more lights and then more tents and then even more lights and tents. I definitely wasn’t the happiest that he was dropping all that money but now we’re all set up for the most part and now we really don’t need to buy anything unless we want to upgrade. Eventually you’ll get there. Rome wasn’t built in a day. I probably went through 3-4 grows before I decided to set up an automated watering in my tent. You’ll get there! I do gotta say that it is nice that low and I work together. It’s really beneficial when it comes to defoliating or when it comes to tasks that are time consuming. We’ll take shifts getting things done while the other plays with the gremlins. I might not be very vocal on here but I am watching! I’m silently cheering everyone on! You’re doing great and I can’t wait to see what the future hold for you with your cannabis journey!


seems like the days are jus draggin by


I feel ya! Got a lil done on my system, and then my wife tried to cut her thumb off cleaning the oven drawer. Bad cut! Wound up helping w Christmas cookies, giving her a shower and washing her hair. Long day!!


sounds like a nice time cookin cookies, did u make pot cookies or just regular cookies, i would have made both :yum:

that sounds soo good right now too, im starvin like marvin right now, and u just had to bring up cookies hahaha.

an update on the babies


Babies are looking good! No weed cookies :person_shrugging:


finally :partying_face::partying_face:



new light installed :partying_face:
fits just as expected