Here is where I just want to say without genetics you are done

Lol it took you 9 days to come up with that
Epic fail bro 0/10

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Looks like you only pop in every couple of years. Been on a journey of enlightenment? Good for you.

Religion is a crutch for people who canā€™t handle drugsā€¦

Oh no, say it is not so. You said epic. And failure after living your life. impressive.

Jesus is the answer .He is the only way.

Letā€™s quit before you are humiliated!

Jesus is the answer .He is the only way.

Oh no, say it is not so. You said epic. And failure after living your life. impressive.

Jesus is the answer .He is the only way.

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Jesus got stoned every day

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I agree with everyone else check this one out no strain just a shit seed and look still grew good I think itā€™s all about the way you grow not seed quality and by the way not every country can get ILGM seeds.


Years ago I thought the same wayā€¦plant the $15 oz bag seed and I could grow better than the mother. And then I got some of the original Afghan skunk seeds and learned the error of my ways. Genetics plays a major role in the final productā€¦ and Iā€™m not saying using better growing techniques isnā€™t important because it is. But in the end, I try for the best genetics I can find and try my best to not baby them to death.


I dont think anyone is arguing genetics arenā€™t important but a random bag seed can have genetics just as good as a seed you know to be a specific strain of proven quality with a bag seed you might have a popular strain and not know it or you might have some random unknown weed but either way you can still grow some fire

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Why take a chance of growing something you dont know if you dont have too. Thats what i say. If its all you got cool. If you can purchase quality seeds you know, you should. Growing a plant all the way takes alot of effort

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To each there own

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